City of Newcastle wants to hear feedback on pedestrian crossings across the city to guide future pedestrian junctions.
The council is asking for community responses on different types of crossings including marked and raised pedestrian crossings, children's crossings and refuge islands.
Feedback is also being invited on recently completed raised pedestrian crossings in suburbs including New Lambton, Waratah, Birmingham Gardens, Broadmeadow and Merewether.
The council said design standards provided guidance for crossings with a focus on road features and the environment, but a deeper understanding of lived experiences from the community would provide additional guidance to effectively deliver pedestrian infrastructure.
Newcastle deputy lord mayor Declan Clausen said the council was preparing a strategic approach to how it planned and delivered pedestrian crossings across Newcastle by addressing barriers to walking.
"With a better understanding of how different crossing types improve the experience of pedestrians, we'll be able to implement appropriate crossings that prioritise safety and accessibility," he said.
"We want to ensure our pedestrian crossings reflect the diversity of our community and cater to the needs of all Novocastrians, including older residents, people with mobility or vision impairments, parents with prams, school children and tourists."
The council has already taken steps to improve pedestrian safety by approving plans to upgrade a crossing at Memorial Drive with a new raised crossing between Empire Park and Bar Beach.
The upgrade is aimed at increasing pedestrian visibility and removing confusion caused by the staged crossing and refuge island.
To take part in the survey visit newcastle.nsw.gov.au/yoursay by June 10.