I was delighted to read Polly Toynbee’s article about the unveiling of the Toynbee Fountain in Wimbledon, south-west London (How a monument to my great-great-grandfather could help tackle the scourge of plastic pollution, 7 March). As Merton council’s deputy leader and cabinet member for civic pride, I also attended the ceremony, and the borough is thrilled that this lovely structure has been restored.
I would like to correct the record, however, where Ms Toynbee says that “local authorities are far from cooperative, even when not asked to contribute, claiming health and safety concerns ... or cost”. Merton provided £11,000 towards the restoration of the fountain and for the connection of the new water supply. This is in addition to public realm enhancements around the fountain, including new seating, the cutting back of vegetation, the planting of new trees, and expanding and improving the pavement around the fountain.
Members of the Heritage of London Trust have mentioned Merton council and its officers as being an excellent and proactive authority to work with on this project. Likewise, we found the trust to be a great partner to collaborate with. Indeed, we are currently looking forward to working with the trust in restoring another fountain in the borough.
Eleanor Stringer
Merton council
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