The man in charge of housing in Bristol has told developers wanting to knock down the Broadwalk Shopping Centre in Knowle and build 850 flats in its place that while he likes the idea, having just seven per cent of the new homes classed as ‘affordable’ is ‘simply not good enough’.
In a critical letter to the developers proposing the plans, Cllr Tom Renhard says he has ‘serious concerns’ about what they are proposing, and urges them to redraw the plans to include a new health centre as well as increasing the number of new homes that would be allocated to a housing association for people on Bristol’s housing waiting list.
The developers’ controversial proposals to turn the Broadwalk Shopping Centre into the biggest single new housing development in Bristol - called Redcatch Quarter - has met fierce objections from local residents, although some in Knowle, including the two local councillors, are backing the scheme.
Read more: Only a small fraction of 850 new homes in South Bristol will be 'affordable'
The developers want to demolish the shopping centre entirely, and level the whole site, including the bingo hall, snooker hall and multi-storey car park.
In its place, they plan to build a series of tower blocks up to 12 storeys high, with a new pedestrian ‘High Street’ for Knowle through the middle, connecting the Wells Road with Redcatch Park, lined with new shops and bars. There is also a plan for community facilities, including a theatre/cinema, a new library and a dentists.
In September 2022, Bristol Live revealed that only 55 of around 850 new homes would be classed as ‘affordable’, and they would all be separated into one of the blocks of flats. The developers, Broadside Holdings, said 77 per cent would be let at ‘social rent’ levels through a housing association, to people on the council’s HomeChoice waiting list, while 23 per cent would be sold through a shared ownership scheme.
As part of the planning application, the developers submitted a ‘viability report’, which said that because of the extra costs involved in demolishing the existing buildings, and also providing community facilities in spaces where they could just have more new homes, they then couldn’t afford to include more affordable houses, and still maintain a 20 per cent profit margin on the entire project.
But in his letter, seen by Bristol Live, Cllr Renhard says this is not good enough. After expressing his support for the principle of regenerating this area of Knowle, he said the developers had to do better.

“Clearly, there is much to welcome about the proposed Redcatch Quarter development, such as the space for a refurbished library and dentist, along with the regeneration of Broadwalk’s current retail space,” he told the developers. “However, I do have concerns, and in particular, serious concerns over the lack of affordable housing in the current plans.
"As you know, there is a housing crisis in Bristol, with over 19,000 households now on the housing waiting list. The current offer, 7 per cent affordable, when Bristol City Council policy is 30 per cent, simply isn’t good enough.
"The severity of the housing crisis in Bristol makes it difficult for me to support proposals containing such a small amount of affordable housing, relative to the total number of homes. A development of this size, while costly, will undoubtedly bring in considerable profits – enough to raise the level of affordable housing to an acceptable rate,” he added.
The health provision shortage
Cllr Renhard also had strong words for the Redcatch Quarter developers over health provision. While the plans include space for a dentist practice, residents have expressed concerns about where the people who move into the 850 new flats if they need to see a doctor.

Last year, South Bristol MP Karin Smyth said GP surgeries and the NHS generally would not be able to cope with around 14,000 new homes being built in the next few years in South Bristol, and urged the council and the NHS to work together to meet the increased demand. Cllr Renhard is now urging the Redcatch Quarter development to include a new GP surgery too.
“We also know there are huge pressures on health infrastructure in the city,” he told them. “South Bristol will see a substantial increase in the number of homes in the coming years, which means that the infrastructure to support the homes needs to keep pace.
"Whilst noting provision for dentistry will be retained, this is not the only health infrastructure necessary. I have heard from residents about how difficult it can be to also access GP services and I would ask you give consideration to this as part of your proposals,” he added.
Other concerns

Cllr Renhard also shared residents’ concerns over a number of other issues with the development, from the sheer size and scale of the tower blocks overlooking Redcatch Park, to the implications of having 850 new homes on traffic and parking in the area.
“I have also met with local residents who have raised concerns about other aspects of the proposals, such as the lack of guarantees that the existing businesses will be accommodated in the redeveloped retail facilities, as well as concerns that the designs are out of character with the surrounding neighbourhood,” Cllr Renhard said.
“Residents also raised concerns over the impact of the development on traffic and parking, as well as the height and density of the development. I would welcome further consideration being given to these concerns and a response provided to local residents on how those concerns have been considered and addressed. I also very much hope that you can respond to residents’ concerns and address the points I have raised regarding the levels of affordable housing and health infrastructure. I look forward to hearing from you and discussing this further,” he added.
In January, the plans were pencilled in to be debated and decided on by the council’s planning committee on March 15, alongside plans for building flats on Bristol Zoo and on the Baltic Wharf caravan park, and Bristol Live understood at the time that the council's planning officers were set to recommend to councillors that approval be given to the Redcatch Quarter plan.
But the zoo’s plans have been delayed amid protest marches and a growing campaign against the loss of the zoo there, and the Baltic Wharf caravan park has met resistance from the Environment Agency over flooding fears, and a decision on all three major applications has been postponed.
Bristol Live has approached Broadside Holdings for comment.
Read next - ‘Redcatch Quarter’, the story so far:
July 2018 - First plans unveiled for 400 new homes and revamped Broadwalk shopping centre
March 2019 - Councillors give permission to 400 new homes plan
Sep 2019 - Wilko confirms it’s leaving Broadwalk
Dec 2019 - Knowle could become Bristol's next 'hotbed of regeneration' say property experts
July 2021 - What people want for future of 'run-down' Bristol shopping centre
Jan 2022 - New plans to demolish Broadwalk entirely and build 800 flats unveiled
May 2022 - South Bristol MP warns of shortage of schools and GPs with 12,000 new homes
July 2022 - The battle for the soul of Knowle is just getting started
Sep 2022 - Only a small fraction of 850 new homes in South Bristol will be 'affordable'
Sep 2022 - 'Fearful' traders join fight against new 'Redcatch Quarter'
Jan 2023 - Broadwalk or Redcatch Quarter - huge plans divide the Knowle community
Jan 2023 - Fury as campaigners told refusing 'Redcatch Quarter' plans will 'damage community'
Feb 2023 - B&M to close as D-Day for Broadwalk Shopping Centre is postponed again
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