A dumpster diving professional is celebrating her success with hauls which includes a four pack of Guinness which have helped bring down her food bills to less than £100 a month for two people. 29-year-old Caitlin Weich often plunders supermarket bins for fit to eat food and drink.
She has said it not only cuts down on waste but it also saves money as marketing manager Caitlin saves for a deposit for a house. To save money she combines using a food sharing app with searching through the bins of discarded goods to slash her bills and help her protect the planet.
She also collects unwanted food from friends and neighbours during her lunch break, Caitlin, lives in Dublin, Ireland, with her boyfriend Adam, 28 and is a lawyer, says the pair eat like kings on a pauper's budget, reports Wales Online. She said: "We spend as little as 100 euros (£85) a month for the two of us.
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"My partner and I have been saving for the last couple of years to try and put together a deposit for a house, so we are definitely aware of our budget and saving where we can. Some weeks, I could save 40 or 50 euros (£34-£42) by dumpster diving and getting food the supermarkets are throwing out."
She studied 'freeganism' which is the practice of reclaiming and eating discarded food and by doing that Caitlin even managed to live for a month without spending a penny on food back in February 2021, she did that by using unwanted or leftover groceries from friends, neighbours and dumpsters. And now she is eager for other people to see that penny pinching is cool, and with that she is happy to share her tips on scrimping and saving.
She said: "When I first started rummaging through supermarket bins, which is known as dumpster diving, I couldn't believe how much food was being thrown away. It was absolutely shocking.
"And while I know it is not really possible to be entirely zero-waste, I wanted to see how close I could get to it." Caitlin spent her early years in Namibia, in southern Africa, with her mum, Sue Weich, 65, and is a biology teacher, dad, Johann Weich, 63, a systems analyst, and two brothers, Angus Weich, 24, an electronic engineer, and Duncan Weich, 22, a social media and communications officer, before moving to New Zealand at 14, Caitlin learned to conserve commodities like food and energy when she was young.
She said: "In Namibia, there is huge focus on reducing your waste because there is a tangible impact if you don't. If you use too much water, you will run out. If you use too much electricity, there will be a rolling blackout. You quickly understand that you need to be reducing your waste and making better use of what you have."

Growing up finely attuned to her environment, in 2015 Caitlin discovered the zero-waste movement. This prompted her to examine her own food habits.
She said: "I watched a video from a woman who had managed to reduce her waste to the point where she never put out a rubbish bin. I realised it wasn't very practical, but started to focus on things that everyone could do that would save waste and money."
She was keen to take things one step further and did that by seeing if she could use other people's waste and, thus, reduce her own unnecessary consumption and spending, while she was still living in New Zealand, she dabbled in dumpster diving. However it was only when she moved to Dublin back in 2019 and met a dumpster diving friend in early 2020, that it became a regular way to find food and keep her bills down.

She said: "I made a friend who invited me to do dumpster diving with her. It felt weird at first, hanging around the bins at the back of supermarkets, but then I'd see hundreds of pastries and loaves of bread being thrown out and it was shocking."
Her first haul included puff pastry, pizza bases, lettuce, cucumber, bread rolls, salads, freshly made pasta and six cans of Guinness beer - one of which was dented. "It was amazing really," she said.
"I was still shopping for other food I wanted, but it made such a difference to my bill. I started going every week after that and I could easily find enough to make three or four meals.
"Some weeks, there might not be that much and I would save maybe 10 euros (£8.50) on things like bread, but other weeks, I could save up to 50 euros (£42). I was telling all my friends about it. Once you get over the 'ick' factor of what you're doing, you realise how brilliant it is."
Even during the Coronavirus lockdown, Caitlin managed to dumpster dive a few times a month - despite her boyfriend having reservations. She said: "My partner was less enthusiastic and made me sterilise everything. But when I came home with beer and pizza one night, suddenly he was interested."
After such success on her trips to the supermarket bins, Caitlin decided to take on the challenge of 'Freegan February' in 2022. This meant trying to spend nothing at all on food and using only produce that was destined for waste streams.
She primarily relied on the food-sharing app, Olio, which connects people with groceries that are going to waste. She said: "I'm pretty sure I actually gained weight that month, because there was so much food!
"I had some bits left in the freezer which I ate, but otherwise, I asked my friends for food they were going to get rid of and used the app. At the end of every day, I would go on Olio and look at who had what nearby - like someone with potatoes half a kilometre away.
"I was training for a 10k run, so I worked it into my day - going on runs and collecting food en route, or checking the app in my lunch break and cycling to collect it. For the last six months, I have basically only needed to use Olio - rather than having to rummage through bins. I can browse and select and collect what I want. It's incredible."

Caitlin's month of free food did not stop her from eating well, either. She said: "I had plenty of greens, fibre, protein and I even managed to get multivitamins using the app - so it was a rich and diverse diet. We had curries, pasta bakes, salads, vegetable bakes.
"My partner was a bit miffed because it was his birthday in February, but I managed to find pasta, cream and mushrooms on the app and cycled around to collect them and made his favourite meal. I got to the end of the month and I thought, 'I could keep going.'"
The year before, in December 2021, Caitlin even managed to make a completely free Christmas dinner using 50 percent Olio and 50 percent dumpster diving. She said: "I went dumpster diving a couple of times and I managed to find potatoes, pumpkin, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, peas, potatoes, mushrooms, gravy powder, potato gratin and chicken covered in crumbs with garlic butter."
Now so many supermarkets use Olio to find a home for food destined for the bins, according to Caitlin, that she uses it more, too, and only dumpster dives when she has time. She said: "We really like fancy food like cheese boards and wine, which probably undoes a lot of our savings, but that's the compromise we make.
"This can mean our monthly bill goes up, but we also find it possible to spend as little as 100 euros (£85) between us. We have been saving for the last couple of years to put a deposit together to buy our own place, so we are definitely money conscious.
"And if we have an extravagant month when we spend 300 euros (£254.40) on food and wine as a couple, we feel really bad, which our friends are amazed by."
One of Caitlin's biggest tips for cutting costs and waste is to understand the difference between use by dates and best before dates. She said: "If it has a use-by date, you should probably throw it out when it hits that.
"But if it is best before, that is just a suggestion. It might not be as vibrant after that date, but it is still perfectly good to eat. You just need to look at it and make a judgement.
"Planning your meals is also crucial. Check what is in the fridge before you go shopping and what is likely to get wasted and use that first. Then work out what meals you can make, so you can use those things."
Storing food correctly can also make a huge difference to its shelf-life, according to Caitlin. She said: "You should consider what the best temperature is to store things at.
"If you put bananas in the fridge, they'll brown quicker. If you put bread in the fridge, it goes stale, on the counter, it goes mouldy. I put half a loaf in the freezer and the other half on the side in a brown paper bag.
"Potatoes and onions should be in a cool, dark cupboard, so they last longer. Certain fruit and veg will also make other fruit and veg ripen quickly, so it's worth checking what works together.
"Another handy trick is growing fruit and veg you have already bought. I put my spring onions and leeks in half a centimetre of water in a glass and they continue to grow - that is free food right there!"
For anyone keen to reduce spending and food waste, Caitlin's advice is to take it "bit by bit." "You have to start somewhere - it doesn't matter where," she said.
"Maybe take a look at your bin and ask yourself, 'How could I have avoided throwing this away?' Don't put too much pressure on yourself - everything you do is a step in the right direction."
What Caitlin might eat in a day:
* Breakfast - shop-bought cereal, with free sunflower seeds, peaches and yoghurt collected from Olio, costing 50 cents (42p).
* Lunch - Sandwich with tofu made with free bread, lettuce and home grown spring onions, costing one euro (85p), or leftover curry from dinner.
* Dinner - Potato salad using potatoes from Olio, home grown spinach and shop-bought parmesan cheese, oil and edamame beans, costing less than a euro.
You can follow Caitlin's food journey on her Instagram