It was a triumphant scene Coronation Street viewers had been waiting for as Carla Barlow finally bit back at the villainous Stephen Reid. After taking him on at the Underworld factory, bogus businessman Stephen was attempting a coup under boss Carla's nose.
The latest killer to roam the soap cobbles has been ruthlessly trying to topple Carla, spiking her drinks with the hallucinogenic drug LSD to make it appear as through she was suffering another psychotic breakdown. She previously suffered with her mental health following the death of Rana Habeeb in 2019.
Stephen gathered the shareholders on the workforce and, arguing Carla wasn't fit to take the reins yet, declared they should hold a vote of no confidence. But Faye Windass got out her phone out to tip off Carla.
As Stephen met with business associate Dick Havisham, Carla overheard him saying she was "out of the picture." Fuming over his backstabbing behaviour, she gave him a rollicking for trying to oust her from the business.
After branding him a 'snake' she sent him out on his ear in front of his colleagues. "I can't trust you as far as far as I can throw you," she shouted. "And you know what Stephen, I really enjoyed humiliating you in front of Dick Havisham, but not half as much as I'm going to enjoy sacking you. You're fired."

Delighted viewers flocked to Twitter to applaud the boss, played by Alison King. @Surfingspaniel cheered: "Nice one Carla!" Rosepetal98_ said: "That’s how female bosses roll!" And @rekh01 exclaimed: "Bravo Carla! Best thing I’ve heard all day!!"
@AntMelia94 admired: "Our Carla is back." @GrocottJanice also cheered: "Carla's back." And @pam_debeauvoir said: "....and Carla is back in the room, well, the factory....get lost Stephen."
@itzzzo_ said: "The viewers are proud of Carla seeing Stephen off, more should do it." @JamieTVandNews wrote: "Been far too long since we've seen Boss Carla." And @xxAlicia89 said: "Carla is just brilliant."
However, other fans are worried that Carla has just placed herself in grave danger after he previously killed both Leo Thompkins and his father Teddy. Leo's nterest in Stephen's financial troubles led to a confrontation between the two men and ended in Leo being thrown off the gantry at Underworld, falling to his death into a bin below.
When Teddy closed in on the truth, Stephen also bumped him off by cracking him over the head with a hole punch and concealing his body in a roof box on top of his mum Audrey Roberts' car before dumping it in the river. @tommufc9524 tweeted: "Carla's dead then."
@stevebethere urged: "Stay clear of the bins Carla you been warned." @cassam101 said: "Go Carla! Well done but watch your back...or drinks."
@VampLover27 decided: "Carla’s gonna be …D.B.F Dead by Friday." @JillHudson21 wrote: "Well said Carla but to be on the safe side I wouldn’t go anywhere near any wheelie bins, if I were you!!" And @paulcur74986927 said: "Oh dear carla is next in line for world's worst serial killer."
@itzzzo_ shouted: "Carla sacking Stephen - DONT GO NEAR ANY BINS!!" and @ConversationStr cheered: "Carla Barla! Back on top! But what’s Stephen got planned?!"