Teacher Daniel Osbourne has become quite the ladykiller on Coronation Street. Viewers have seen his girlfriend Daisy Midgeley shoot daggers over the bar at the Rovers Return since the return of his former love interest Nicky Wheatley. And next week there’s another opportunity for Daisy, played by Charlotte Jordan to show her jealous side as it becomes clear that his boss Orla Crawshaw has been harbouring a crush on him.
And there some awkward scenes ahead on the famous Corrie cobbles.
The deputy headteacher has been at the centre of the Corrie drama while Daniel has been at loggerheads with pupil Max Turner. And Mrs Crawshaw also got involved when Daniel was wrongly accused of sleeping with another pupil Summer Spellman by vengeful Max.
In upcoming scenes Daniel attends a meeting about a school trip. But he is taken aback when an upset Mrs Cranshaw confides that her husband has left her.
Daniel offers to take over the planning of the trip to Edinburgh. And he's pleased when teaching assistant Nicky offers to help, which is bound to upset Daisy again.

There's drama when Mrs Crawshaw unexpectedly calls at the cafe and has a futile attempt to flirt with Roy Cropper. And she thanks Daniel for agreeing to organise the school trip with Nicky’s help, much to Daisy's amazement.
She later calls at Daniel’s flat waving a bottle of wine and insists he call her Orla. And viewers will be left wondering how Daniel will deal with his boss making a pass at him.
Back in September viewers were stunned when they realised where they had seen the actress who plays Mrs Crawshaw, Carla Medonça, previously.
Carla played mum Sophie Johnson in the CITV show My Parents are Aliens from 2001 to 2006. Early in her career she appeared in The Young Ones and the Lenny Henry Show.
And in the 90s she appeared in Bottom, Hale and Pace, French and Saunders and Harry Enfield and Chums.
In real-life Carla is married to fellow actor Clive Mantle who played general surgeon Mike Barratt in the BBC hospital drama series Casualty and Holby City in the 1990s.