She has been part of some of the most emotional storylines on the cobbles since joined Coronation Street back in 2011, and Ellie Leach is again at the centre of the drama after the return of her daughter Miley. Her character Faye Windass did a stint in prison for attacking Adam Barlow after mistaking him for sleazy boss Ray Crosby, collided with an elderly man on a driving lesson who later died, and she was then diagnosed with early menopause.
Now Faye, who is reportedly leaving the show this summer, is wrestling with her emotions after the daughter she gave up so could start a new life in Canada with her dad, came back into her life. Faye was just 12 when she found out that she was pregnant with Jackson Hodge, who was a year above her at Weatherfield High School, and she gave birth to a daughter Miley in 2015.
The schoolgirl decided to hand the baby over to Jackson and his parents. However, Jackson made contact after returning to the UK wanting to make contact. Faye explained to stepmum Sally Metcalfe that she came to terms with never being a mother due to her menopause and didn't want to run the risk of stirring up her feelings by seeing Miley, so at first she was fuming when her dad Tim welcomed them into his house.
But, after getting to know Miley, it seems Faye is a natural after all. She was protective of the girl when it was arranged for her to meet Faye's policeman boyfriend Craig Tinker, and he brought his overbearing mum Beth Sutherland with him.
Faye corrected Craig when he called Miley 'clumsy' for dropping a drink, retorting that they had made her nervous. But later she was all smiles as she watched her daughter play with Jackson, played by Rhys Cadman.

Viewers think this could be an indication of Faye's exit storyline. @cassam101 exclaimed on Twitter: "Faye has the hots for Jackson!" And @ElloTeenah pleaded: "WHY why would Tim mention Jackson and Faye getting on when it's rumoured she's leaving. Pls, pls don't cheat."
@Samanth22356123 predicted: "As she’s leaving I bet Faye runs off with Miley’s dad!" @unsworth1live said: "#Corrie Faye is infatuated with Jackson. Poor pc Tinker will be kicked into the curb." And @kirstie_xxo tweeted: "Faye is so gonna do a runner to Canada with Miley."
@JamieSummersTV echoed: "Faye's gonna leave with Jackson and Miley." And @Wee_Westie29 asked: "I wonder if Faye and Jackson will reunite and leave the cobbles with Miley?"

Last year Faye was knocked sideways by devastating news as she went to see her GP. Faye had an appointment with Dr Susan Gaddass over concerns about her irregular periods which she had put down to stress.
In the medical centre Dr Gaddas broke the news to Faye, who was 20 at the time, that she was suffering from early menopause and would never be able to have any more children unless it was with a donor. Dr Gaddas told her that she had premature ovarian failure, which means the ovaries can no longer produce eggs.
A devastated Faye was told the ovaries can't be re-started once they've stopped producing, but she could be treated with HRT (Hormone replacement therapy). "It's sometimes called early menopause although that's a term we don't like to use," said Dr Gaddass. And Faye pleaded: "I can't have the menopause. I'm only 20."
Dr Gaddass gently explained: "It can sometimes affect the young. It's rare." And she told Faye: "You can't have kids using your own eggs but can be a surrogate with an IVF donor."

Tomorrow night (Wednesday April 5), with Miley due to visit, Craig tells Faye he wants to get her a present. Faye tells him that she likes basketball but, mishearing, Craig buys a baseball bat and mitt.
Craig kicks himself over the mistake and as they play a game of catch Craig can see Miley is not enjoying herself and Faye feels for him. As Faye says goodbye to Miley and Jackson at the team stop, Craig confesses to Faye that he feels jealous of Jackson.
Actress Ellie, 22, from Bury, was in good spirits as she took to Instagram to show off a new look for the spring. The star revealed a pretty pastel manicure with flower patterns for Easter as she enthused: "Spriinnggggg." Ellie is expected to leave the soap as part of a summer storyline, although details are still under wraps, the Mirror reports.