Coronation Street's David Platt is left horrified next week when he realises his uncle Stephen is sticking around.
Stephen Reid turned up on the Cobbles last week and found his mother Audrey Roberts collapsed in the salon.
Audrey (Sue Nicholls) was rushed to hospital, accompanied by Stephen (Todd Boyce), but not everyone was thrilled to see him again.
Turns out Stephen headed to Weatherfield after his niece Sarah (Tina O'Brien) decided to reach out to him regarding the ongoing feud between Audrey and her daughter Gail.
New ITV spoilers reveal that Audrey will be discharged from hospital next Monday and Gail (Helen Worth) is left feeling anxious when she insists on going straight to the Rovers to celebrate.

Meanwhile, when Elaine Jones reveals she’s planning on holidaying at the Italian lakes, Gail suggests that she picks Stephen’s brain.
Stephen, who has been living in Italy, talks to a smitten Elaine about it and she hangs onto his every word.
A couple of days later, Audrey calls at No.8 with Stephen in tow and tells Gail and David (Jack P. Shepherd) that she’s updating her will and she’s decided to call a family meeting.

David and Sarah fuss over Audrey, each hoping for a decent slice of her estate - but they're not exactly in luck.
When Audrey summons Gail, Stephen, Nick, David and Sarah to the bistro, she announces that she intends to leave all her money to WARTS, the Weatherfield Association of Retail Traders, in memory of Alfie.
However, she's left furious when her family, particularly David, try and get power of attorney over her money.

During Friday's episode, she tells her stunned family that she loves them and will leave them her money but it's to be held in trust by Stephen.
When Stephen reveals that he’s moving in with Audrey at Grasmere Drive to look after her and that they’ll be seeing much more of him, David is absolutely horrified.
Could Stephen have an ulterior motive for sticking around? And what could it mean for the Platt family if he does?
Got any theories or thoughts on the storyline? Let us know in the comments section below.
Coronation Street airs Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV and ITV Hub.