Coronation Street have seemingly confirmed Stephen Reid's next murder victim in a shock twist.
The serial killer has already murdered three different people. As he planned to steal his mum Audrey's money, Leo Thompkins found about his deceit and challenged him, ultimately paying the price with his life.
As the truth started to come out about Leo's 'disappearance', Teddy was killed by Stephen, who hit him on the head with a holepunch before transferring his body into the roof box of his mum's car and dumping the body in the canal.
Rufus was Stephen's third victim, having been murdered by his business associate when he asked for too much money and refused to hand over the cash Stephen needed to keep himself and the factory afloat.

Now it looks like the fourth victim has been revealed in a telling scene at the end of tonight's episode.
In tonight's programme, Tim kidnapped his own mother in a bid to stop her running away with Stephen to get married in Las Vegas. He had swindled them by offering to take them to the airport, before getting Elaine to get in first and speeding off, leaving Stephen stuck on the doorstep. However, things soon settled down and the pair reunited later on.
On the doorstep at the house, Elaine told Stephen she was excited for the future and that they could now plan a proper wedding. When Stephen questioned if they wanted to spend the money on the wedding, Elaine pushed back and insisted they should never speak about money again - completely unaware Stephen is spiralling into more and more debt.

He suggested the idea of a pre-nup, meaning if they were to ever split, he would keep his 'money' and she would keep hers.
However, in a shock twist at the end of the episode, it was confirmed what Stephen's real intentions are.
As he wrapped up a phone call with Elaine, the camera panned to his laptop where he was busy working on something. His true intentions were revealed when viewers saw him typing Elaine's name into a life insurance policy website.
With a pre-nup in place, it seems the only way that Stephen can get money from Elaine is to see to her demise, whilst the life insurance would pay out to her 'bereaved' partner - does this mean death is close for the much-loved resident?