Coronation Street fans were left confused when Alya appeared to make a glaring error as Griff planted a bomb in her van.
The young entrepreneur was taking part in a peace-themed market, organised by Maria to raise funds for the refugee shelter, with Yasmeen and Stu having a Speed Daal store. Some of their profits would be going towards supporting the refugees.
As they got ready for the exciting event, a panicked Max Turner came running into the market square and warned them that something wasn't right. Yasmeen didn't want to listen but Alya was more concerned and started looking.

Max explained to her that he was worried something was on the van as he had seen it in a wasteland in the early hours of that morning and worried Griff and the gang of extremists had attached something to it.
Concerned, Alya looked around the van but couldn't see anything before she climbed up into the driver's seat and had a look around. At first, she didn't spot anything – but it was then she saw an exposed wire.

Max had already expressed his concern that it could be a bomb after his friend had alerted him that her dad warned they were both at risk and the gang had lied to him about what happened to the van, saying it had been dumped rather than returned.
Looking closer at the wire, Alya accepted Max's version of events and followed the wire to see a timer set as their worst fears were confirmed – it was a bomb and it would have caused mass carnage if it were to explode where it was currently parked.
As Alya wondered whether she should call the police or drive the van away, she decided on the latter and climbed in, thinking of where she could take it that would mean less people were at risk of getting hurt.

However some fans of the ITV soap were left puzzled when she started tugging on the wire again and again.
"Nah this episode has me majorly stressed. 'I think it’s a bomb' while continuing to tug on the wires. Everyone just standing around instead of running. It’s driving me mad," one viewer wrote.
A second gave their verdict on the scenes on Twitter as one sarcastically wrote: "I think it's a bomb, let me pull on this here wire," as a third shared their disbelief as they added: "Hold on! There’s a wire! Then proceeds to yank the b***dy thing."