Sarah Platt acts suspicious after her scan in tonight’s episode of Coronation Street at 8.00pm (see our TV Guide for full listings).
As Gail and Sarah Platt pick up Stephen’s things from the flat, Sarah notices her paternity test results! At her scan, the sonographer confirms that the baby is healthy and suggests a blood test to find out the sex. When she offers a test for genetic diseases, both Gail and Adam assure her there are no genetic illnesses in their families but Adam clocks Sarah’s unease.
Later, Adam suffers another panic attack when Daniel asks him about the scan, revealing that he clocked Sarah’s discomfort at the hospital and still doesn’t trust her. Adam tells Sarah that he needs to know for sure that he’s the father and has asked the clinic to send written confirmation…
Aadi squirms when Dev asks him to keep his ear to the ground because rumour is that Courtney is having an affair. Courtney presents Aadi with a gift, telling him to see her later and make sure he’s wearing it. As Aadi looks in the box his eyes widen.
Later, Darren tells Aadi how grateful he is to him for looking after Courtney and keeping her sweet. But Amy’s had enough and when Courtney refuses to pay for a drink in the shop, she gives her both barrels, warning her to stop using Aadi.

As Summer lists possible wedding venues, Paul wishes they could have a church wedding for Billy’s sake. But Billy assures him that marrying him is all that matters. Later, Paul introduces Shelly and her PA, Cags, to Billy and Bernie and Bernie’s clearly shaken by her advanced condition.

George reiterates to Todd about the importance of winning Young Funeral Director of the Year, as he’s up against RestEasy. As Glenda takes some publicity shots of Todd, he admits he’s only going along with it for the pay rise. George looks confused and Todd realises there is no pay rise and Eileen lied to him. Will he blow his award interview?
Ryan returns from Ireland and tells Carla that he’s having some exercise equipment delivered. She suggests he should make motivational videos, but he’s adamant that nobody would want to see his face on screen.
Coronation Street continues on Friday at 8pm.