Jenny and Daisy are thrilled when their bid is accepted in tonight’s episode of Coronation Street at 8.00pm. See our TV Guide for full listings.
An excited Jenny breaks the news to Daisy that their bid was accepted and the Rovers is now officially theirs. In the café, the pair discuss the reopening of the pub and when Daniel heads over and tells Daisy he’d like a chat, she’s left hopeful that he might want to try again.
Later, Daisy tells Jenny she’s spoken to Waterford’s and they’ve agreed that they can reopen the pub in time for New Year’s Eve
The Bailey family are reeling from the discovery of Ed’s gambling debt and Michael makes it clear he wants him gone.
Meanwhile, Dee Dee is furious that both Joel and Ronnie knew about Ed’s gambling. Todd finds a depressed Ed in the precinct ginnel. And Ed tells him about his gambling problem, how the family hates him but they don’t know the worst.
Later, Ed decides it is time to come clean.

Stu finally admits to a horrified Yasmeen that it’s his fault Dom did a disappearing act as he paid him £10k to stay away from Eliza thinking it was in her best interests but now he won’t come back. She confides in Roy about Stu’s duplicitous behaviour and how yet again she’s fallen for a man who does nothing but lie to her.

As Carla and Bobby head out of the flat, a van pulls up and when the driver opens the van doors, Bobby recognises all his possessions and realises that his Mum must have sent them on. Carla’s gutted to realise he is here to stay. Simon offers him his bedroom and announces that he’ll go and stay at his Mum’s. Later, Carla finds Bobby in the Chariot Square bar chatting up Debbie and drags him home.
Moses calls for Paul and suggests they go shopping as the fresh air will do him good. The pair return from their shopping trip and Todd clocks Moses as he struggles to get the key in the door. Clearly smitten, Todd dashes over to help.
Coronation Street continues on Sunday.