It's a week of deception and dirty tactics for the residents of Coronation Street next week.
While one resident finds herself on the brink of heartache after seemingly taking her meddling a step too far, another is gutted when her past comes back to haunt her - leading to a suspension from her new job.
Another young female finds herself in hospital after a night of binge drinking which plays havoc with her insulin levels, but will she recover?
A large sum of money also comes to fruition following Laura's funeral, and another resident hits the roof and storms into the Rovers after finding out about "the other woman".
Here's what's coming up on Coronation Street next week...

Toyah teams up with Imran amid fight for custody
Coronation Street spoilers have revealed Toyah Battersby will back Imran Habeeb, as he prepares to take down Abi Franklin.
The parents of baby Alfie are going head-to-head in a custody battle, and it isn't long before Imran turns to dirty tricks to get what he wants.
Initially dismissive of his games, Toyah soon does a U-turn when she hears Abi is desperate to paint Imran in a bad light at the hearing.
She soon tells Imran that she will support is plans to prove Abi isn't fit to be Alfie's mother and sole carer.

Toyah could soon be changing her mind though, when something Abi says leaves her torn about her choice.
It all kicks off when Imran makes it clear he's out to find proof that works against Abi, as he wants full custody of and instructs Ben to find out everything he can about Abi.
Toyah is not impressed with Imran’s dirty tricks and makes it clear she isn't on board, until she overhears Abi seemingly playing her own games.
So how far will Imran go, and is Abi at risk of losing her child?
Daisy set for heartache with Daniel
New ITV spoilers reveal that Daisy's jealousy will reach new heights next week as Daniel (Rob Mallard) continues to spend more time with Nicky Wheatley (Kimberly Hart-Simpson).
Fed up with the fact that Daniel is working on the Edinburgh trip with Nicky, Daisy (Charlotte Jordan) decides to show up at the school unannounced with a packed lunch for them.
When Mrs Crawshaw tells her to knock before she goes in, Daisy is surprised when Daniel introduces her as his girlfriend and it leads her to become paranoid and she tells Jenny that she's going to find Nicky a man in order to keep her away from Daniel.

However, when she introduces Nicky to her ex Ashley, she ends up finding out about her sex worker past.
Nicky confides in Daniel when she ends up being suspended from her new job as videos and images from her past are all over the school.
Daniel is furious and assumes Daisy is responsible for it and ends up confronting her.
Daisy later confides in Jenny about how how hurt she is that Daniel thinks she’d do something so malicious. But is she telling the truth? And could this cost her her relationship with Daniel?
Summer collapses in prison cell
Things will go from bad to worse for Summer Spellman, who has been struggling with an eating disorder, when the teen is rushed to hospital
ITV spoilers have now revealed that after being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, she is also left struggling to control her insulin levels.
After a row with Amy Barlow, Summer ends up drinking some more when Jacob Hay buys unwanted bottles of alcopops at the Corner Shop and begins selling them in Victoria Gardens for a tidy profit.

But Simon Barlow realises what he's doing and call the cops, but when officers arrive at Victoria Gardens, Jacob does a runner and leaves two boxes of alcopops behind.
Summer’s worrying pattern of behaviour could then turn out to have dangerous consequences, when the police then discover her slumped on a bench next to the bottles.
Unaware of her diabetes and needs medical attention, they assume she’s drunk and take her to the police station.

Luckily Amy and Aadi are both concerned when they discover what happened and tip off Craig (Colson Smith) that Summer's collapse may have been caused by her diabetes.
Craig rushes to the cells at the police station, where he finds Summer in a diabetic coma.
As Craig desperately shouts for someone to call an ambulance, he fears the worst. Is Summer going to be okay?
Gary finds a fortune
Gary Windass’ perilous murder secret come closer to bubbling over as a shock discovery is made on the ITV soap.
Laura recently discovered the truth about Rick Neelan’s death when Gary confessed to killing him, and although she was determined to go to the police and report him, when she saw how happy her daughter Kelly has been under Gary's care, she decided to take the blame for the crime herself.
Kelly is set to inherit everything from her dead dad, including the family home, but when Ed and Paul find a holdall containing £17,000 under the floorboards at Rick’s house, Gary has to decide what he’s going to do with the money.

As well as Rick's belated funeral, Kelly has another funeral to prepare for after the tragic death of her mother Laura.
As Kelly irons her dress for the sombre occasion, Gary and Maria dread the day ahead.
Later on, a weary Kelly returns from her mum’s funeral and Gary offers to bank the £17k for her, but a cagey Kelly makes out she’ll do it herself.
Eileen feels rejected
Eileen is left feeling hurt when she invites funeral director George over for dinner and asks him to stay the night, but he says he can't because he needs to tend to his cat.
Meanwhile, as Todd and George discuss the funeral arrangements for a Mr Little, it becomes apparent that the man is a bigamist and there are two Mrs Littles, blissfully unaware of each other.
A few days later when Eileen reveals how George curtailed their evening together in favour of his cat, Mary’s mystified and questions whether George actually has a cat at all.

Later on Sean overhears Todd and George discussing how best to ensure the two women don’t find out about each other, and he jumps to the wrong conclusion and drops the bombshell that George hasn’t got a cat, but he has got another woman.
Eileen storms into the Rovers and confronts Todd and George, but has she got it all wrong?
Got any theories or thoughts on these storylines? Let us know in the comments section below
Coronation Street airs Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV.