Cassie Plummer is found unconscious in tonight’s hour-long episode of Coronation Street at 8.00pm (see our TV Guide for full listings).
With Tyrone struggling to get Ruby’s new boots in time for her party, Cassie Plummer offers to pop into town and pick them up. Tyrone reluctantly hands her £80, while Evelyn’s incredulous.
After meeting Dean on a street corner, Cassie pops several of the pills he’s just sold her. As Jack and Ruby’s party starts, Tyrone glances at the door, desperate for Cassie to show up and prove Evelyn wrong. But when Michael lets slip how he saw a bloke roughing up Cassie last week, Abi’s forced to confirm that Dean’s a drug dealer that Cassie owed money to and she caught her trying to steal the petty cash.
Tyrone’s horrified as they scour the streets in search of Cassie. When Hope yells that she’s found her, slumped on the pavement, clearly having overdosed, they call an ambulance. Will Cassie pull through?
Max lies to Lauren, making out he’s in college all day before heading to the precinct with Sabrina. But a deflated Lauren watches him from a distance. As Sabrina heads off, Gav urges Max to stop messing about and ask Sabrina out as it’s obvious he fancies her.
Back at the café, Lauren attempts to wind Sabrina up by making out that she and Max are an item. Max assures Sabrina that’s not the case but will she believe him? Later, alone in the salon, Lauren bursts into a fit of rage and trashes the place.

Ronnie presents Ed with his own bank card for the business account, and as Ed takes the card, he masks his unease.
Bernie offers to make a contribution to the bills, but Gemma won’t hear of it, pointing out that she got them into this mess. But Chesney’s concerned that the stress could make her ill again.
Coronation Street continues with an hour-long episode tomorrow (Thursday) at 9pm.