Coronation Street fans were not happy tonight as Toyah judged her new lawyer for an odd reason.
The Battersby sister was jailed after the death of her partner Imran Habeeb. He died after they were both in a car accident which left Toyah hospitalised.
Initially the mother of Imran's child, Abi, was being blamed for his death. However, evidence later cleared her of any crimes and instead pointed fingers towards Toyah.
READ MORE: Coronation Street viewers may have unravelled murder mystery
Tonight's episode saw Toyah call her sister, Leanne, from the police station as she told her that she had been arrested for murder. Earlier, she had been introduced to her solicitor who had quite a distinguished tattoo that went from her forearm to her hand.
Toyah asked: "What's that?" The solicitor answered: "This? This is a mistake I made in Thailand on my gap year. My boyfriend thought it was sexy. Guess where he is now?"

Toyah looked away as she said: "No idea." The solicitor said: "Me either. Whereas this, this accompanies me everywhere I go." But Toyah was less than impressed as she said: "And the judge takes one look at that and..."
The solicitor interrupted her as she said: "The British judicial systems a tad more enlightened than you might think." She swiftly moved on but Toyah continued with her stern and judgemental attitude.
Fans on Twitter were less than impressed as they bashed Toyah. Jeff said: "#Corrie Rather prejudiced against people with a tattoo?"
Claw said: "Toyah and Leanne really have the nerve to judge someone who has got a tattoo. Those two, of all people! #Corrie #CoronationStreet."
CeCe said: "PMSL at the idea that someone would turn down the assistance and advice and help of a solicitor, because they've got a tattoo on their arm. Daft! #Corrie."
Pam said: "Toyah judging the lawyer & her tattoo, believing she can't represent her unless she covers it. The cheek #Corrie."
Coronation Street airs Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV and the ITV Hub
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