Councillors have rejected Taylor Wimpey’s proposals for the Sibbald’s Brae site in Bathgate, condemning the cramming of 189 homes onto the open farmland on the edge of the town.
One objector told the Development Management Committee she would have the back gardens of six homes 5ft from her living room window.
It is the latest setback for the developer which has been fighting for several years to build on the site on the western edge of the town.
The housebuilder won permission in principle after appealing to the Scottish Government when their original application was turned down. The Development Management Committee was presented with detailed plans to site 189 homes on the land which bounds Falside Crescent.
Sandra Molloy, one of 146 objectors lives in a house which overlooks what is currently open land. She told the meeting her home has been specifically built to face the field which was considered greenbelt.
She said: “My property faces the field which is only 1.5 metres (5ft) from the boundary. I have the longest boundary and the biggest impact. The plans show there will be six new properties that will share my boundary. These properties will all be able to look into and onto my property. I will have six rear gardens in close proximity to my living areas, my dining room and my bedrooms.”
The proposed layout of the new housing shows that all properties on the proposed estate back onto each other, rear garden to rear garden.
“Nowhere does it show a rear garden being butted up to somebody else’s front window within 1.5m, however it seems acceptable to do it to my property,” said Mrs Molloy.
John MacDonald spoke on behalf of Bathgate Community Council and also the residents of Sandilands Gardens on the western boundary, the other side of the development site from Mrs Molloy.
Mr MacDonald said the community council had long opposed the development at Sibbald’s Brae and outlined concerns including the pressure on GP services and other infrastructure as well as the increased potential for road accidents in the area with the increase in traffic.
Speaking on behalf of the Sandilands Gardens residents he criticised the vague plans for the protection of trees and said that the developers would damage trees and shrubs on their land as well as remove a street lamp.
He asked the councillors to imagine allowing the developers to “ jump into their garden, cut down a tree or two and take down some lights?”
Defending the development David Stephen from Taylor Wimpey said that the builders had held frequent meetings with the community council and surrounding residents. The house builder has also revised plans in response to concerns raised by the community the actual house building would mean the removal of only nine trees, with many more 116 planted for every tree lost - to replace. However 17 trees would be felled to widen the road access to the site from Sibbald’s Brae.
Mr Stephen said: “We have engaged with a variety of individuals since we took over the site.
“Clearly there are challenges on this site including access, flooding ecology, the requirement to fell a number of trees, but we will be installing 3,000 new trees.”
Councillor Willie Boyle was first to raise questions about the density of the housing especially on the fringes of the site where the only 29 affordable homes for rent are planned. He also raised questions about the siting of access roads which opened up the potential for further development of the area.
Taylor Wimpey said it has no plans for further development in the area.
Planning officers were broadly in favour of the proposals though proposed a series of conditions.
However in comments council leader Councillor Lawrence Fitzpatrick said: “ I am greatly concerned about the unacceptable impact on Mrs Molly’s residence not only looking from one back garden onto another, but six.
“I've never seen such an adverse effect in terms of amenity in any planning application in my 23 years on this council. “
Councillor Fitzpatrick added: "I am also concerned about the arborist’s comments and I’m also concerned about what I see as cramming, with 189 houses going in and, as in Armadale before, I'm really concerned about the pressure on GP services.”
He supported a motion to refuse permission by Bathgate’s councillor Boyle who said: “ The density here is crazy. There is no correlation between Sandilands Gardens and Falside. This is a ridiculously dense development.”
He castigated the builders for seeking to maximise profit out of the site without giving consideration to the local community. “It’s all about turnover,” he said.
Fellow Bathgate councillors had also opposed the development from the outset. Conservative Charles Kennedy is the chair of the Development Management Committee but stood down from the hearing to allow the issue to be overseen by deputy chair Provost Tom Kerr.