New plans have been revealed for a major new integrated health and wellbeing hub serving Cardiff West.
The Park View Health and Wellbeing Hub is set to be built on parkland adjacent to the Ely & Caerau Community Hub on Cowbridge Road West.
If approved, it will be linked together with the existing community hub, and replace the existing Park View Health Centre, which will be demolished.
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Cardiff & Vale University Health Board will soon be submitting a full planning application for the development that will serve Ely and Caerau.
Meanwhile, residents can make comments on the proposed application until March 10, with all draft planning application documents available to view and download on the planners' website.
Cardiff-based planners The Urbanists added that usual planning consultation procedures will still be followed by Cardiff Council when determining the submitted application.
According to the Planning, Design and Access Statement, the proposed integrated hub will comprise of four zones (Wellbeing, Health, Team and Community), which will each deliver a range of services.

The new proposed building will house the Wellbeing, Health and Team zones, while the Community zone will be in the existing Ely & Caerau Hub building.
The Wellbeing zone will include spaces such as an information and advice centre and a cafe, while the Health Zone will include general and specialist services - such as a GP practice (the existing Westway Surgery), sexual health clinics, child health clinics, a Diabetic Eye Screening Wales clinic, a dietetics clinic, and a Community Dental Service, among many others.
The Team Zone will include a Podiatry Team, Learning Disability Team, and the Welsh Ambulance Service, among others.
The new building will be designed around an internal courtyard, while another new semi-public courtyard and entrance plaza will be created between the existing community hub and new building.

As the proposed facility will be built over amenity parkland if approved, steps have been taken to mitigate the loss to the public open space.
The children's play area will be relocated and upgraded to a "higher-quality modern" one, while there will be new and improved lighting and footpaths around it. There will also be a new walking trail and "natural play features" in the open space, as well as additional trees, shrubs and wildflower planted within it.
The current car parking provision for the existing hub, accessed from Treseder Way, will be increased to serve the new integrated facility as well.
Plans for health and wellbeing hubs form part of a wider push by the health board to bring clinical services closer to local communities, reducing the need for patients to visit larger hospitals like the University Hospital of Wales at the Heath.
All comments about the proposed Park View Health and Wellbeing Hub should be addressed to or The Urbanists, The Creative Quarter, 8a Morgan Arcade, Cardiff, CF10 1AF.
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