The father of Conor McGregor has revealed he underwent hair surgery.
The Dubliner said he got tired of his thinning locks and decided to book himself in for micro scalp pigmentation.
He visited the Scalp Aesthetics in Dublin, which has been set up by practitioner Lorena Peschechera. He showed off his new head of hair to his 26,300 followers on Instagram.
READ MORE: Conor McGregor hailed 'best boss in the world' over birthday gift
Tony told us: “I went to them. This is a new technique that has been around a couple of years now. There are a couple of practitioners in Dublin that do it so I just contacted this clinic in the city centre and I had a consultation with them.
“You could describe it sort of like a fancy tattoo. You can cover the entire head for guys who are completely bald and that would give them a close shaved look.
“It’s a cool look as well. My particular concern was that I was thinning so that they said they could fill in the hairs. They blend in the colours into your existing hair. It does me fine. My crown was thinning and my side/temple areas were thinning as well so they just filled that in for me. I keep my hair on a close crew cut. I don’t even use a brush.
“It’s not even new hair, it’s just like a tattoo-ed area. They do it over a period over three or four sessions to get the right density. But it’s really just a cover-up.”

The 61-year-old added the procedure was “uncomfortable”, but it wasn’t as sore as people might expect.
“You put up with it for vanity purposes,” he said jokingly. "I want to present myself as the best international yachtsman."

Tony became an internet sensation back in 2018 when he took umbrage with the fact that he was given an unwieldy €17.30 change in coins after he tendered a "brand new €20 note" at a DART station in Dublin.
In the video, which quickly went viral, he described being "not too plussed" and that the coinage was ruining his “slim-fit, hand-fitted Hugo Boss suit”.
Tony was so disgusted by his plight and the “bloody cheek” of Irish Rail that he decided to make a video of it and post it on YouTube.
In solidarity some friends set up a GoFundMe account to pay for a Leap Card for Mr McGregor. A Leap Card costs €5 which is a refundable deposit.
His famous MMA fighter son chipped in €5 with the message: “F*** sake Da, take me bleedin Lamborghini (lambo) next time!”
An Irish Rail spokesman said he would “strongly urge” Mr McGregor to get a Leap Card.
“If money is as tight as his trousers, he can also save up to 31 per cent on his fare.”
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