The head teacher of a primary school has been left saddened after a library bus was vandalised.
The Coniston Primary School bus was also used by St Chad's pre-school children but was damaged by a group of teenagers, head teacher Alan Walters said.
A GoFundMe page has been set up by a parent of one of the children at the school to raise money to repair the vehicle.
Mr Walters said: "The vandalism happened on Saturday night (January 11). Some teenagers got into the school site and smashed all of the windows of the bus.
"They also threw all the books and games across outside and they were left wet and ruined because of the bad weather."
The head teacher has reported the incident of vandalism to the police but highlighted his respect for one teenager who came forward to him and the school and admitted he took part.
"I reported it to the police and the community have come together and have helped clean it up. One of the teenagers has even come forward and admitted it was them.
"All of them are 14-years-old. But for the one who has come forward, it takes guts to do that and I respect that, we were all teenagers at some point.
"Fair play to the parents as well for urging their child to admit what they have done. Admitting what they had done in a school environment can be an intimidating experience.
"That child certainly feels regret. I'm not sure about the others."
The head teacher has expressed his gratitude to the local community for coming forward by not only helping to clean up the damage but by setting up a GoFundMe page as well.
Mr Walters said: "I've seen people come together and help and take real value in their community by tackling this local matter.
"In terms of the GoFundMe page, a parent set that up off her own back. Someone felt they needed to help."
The GoFundMe page has raised £420 so far but is aiming for a £1,000 target to help raise funds to try and repair the library bus.
Mr Walters recently posted on the school's Facebook page about the way forward for the school, parents and children following the vanadalism.
'We are so grateful'
He said: "I would like to thank everyone for their messages of support.
"A huge thank you to the people who came up to clear the glass and books off the playground.
"Some of you have links to the school and some of you don't, we are so grateful, you are all amazing.
"It has been brilliant to see the whole community rally round and work together.
"We are trying to do our bit as a school to improve Patchway and today showed that there are a lot of people out there who care very much about Coniston Primary School."
The Police response
The school has been in close contact with the police and enquiries into the incident are currently ongoing.
A spokesperson for Avon and Somerset Police has said: "We are investigating criminal damage caused to a school reading bus.
"The former bus has been turned into a reading area for the Coniston Primary School in Epney Close, South Bristol.
"Windows in the vehicle were smashed and books thrown outside.
"The incident is reported to have happened between 3.30pm on Friday (10 January) and 1pm yesterday (Sunday 12 January).
"Police enquiries into the incident are continuing.
"Anyone with information is asked to contact us, quoting reference 5220008697."
You can donate to the GoFundMe page here.
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