Cannabis Public Policy Consulting (CPPC), a Massachusetts-based company focused on increasing the degrees of certainty in cannabis public policy planning announced in June that it had published a pilot report of its Regulatory Determinants of Cannabis Outcomes Survey (RDCOS).
“The RDCOS will be a quarterly survey that provides the largest and most comprehensive data set to date on trends in cannabis policy, market, and health outcomes,” CPPC stated in a press release.
“Through our work with more than a dozen clients to develop safe and effective cannabis regulation, it became very clear to our team that there is a significant gap in the data available on the cannabis industry,” said Mackenzie Slade, director of CPPC. “The RDCOS is CPPC’s original research initiative that aims to solve that gap. With this data, policymakers, governments, institutions, and ancillary businesses will be better equipped to improve regulations and cannabis legalization to drive better economic, social, and public health outcomes.”
Dr. Michael Sofis, director of Research and Products at CPPC said that RDCOS will be issued three more times throughout 2022.
“The quarterly cycle increases our sample size, and therefore the validity and accuracy of the findings. The quarterly cycle also enables us to understand outcomes as they relate to time periods and cannabis production cycles, and allows us to keep pace with the speed of outcome changes. By far and wide, this survey is the most comprehensive scientific surveillance, and causal analysis, of cannabis outcomes.”
CPPC will use the RDCOS as a data source for its Cannabis Policy Simulation Lab, “the only predictive modeling tool that identifies the outcomes, contingencies, and dependencies of future state-level cannabis legislation,” stated the company in a press release.
Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash.