SAGINAW, Mich. (AP) — Rochelle Jones, a 39-year-old culinary worker at Michigan State University, expressed her concerns about the current presidential candidates, suggesting that both major party candidates should step aside in favor of someone who can lead the country effectively without any health issues and who genuinely cares about the people.
Despite some voters still supporting President Joe Biden, there is a growing sentiment of lack of enthusiasm for his candidacy, which could potentially lead to Democratic voters staying home and benefiting Republican Donald Trump. Many voters are worried about the impact of Biden's candidacy on down-ballot races as well as his ability to address pressing issues like inflation.
While Biden has received strong support from Black elected officials, many Black swing state voters remain concerned. However, they are still committed to voting Democratic due to their reservations about Trump's presidency and character.

Saginaw County, a demographic microcosm of Michigan, has been a bellwether county in the last four presidential elections. Recent national polls have shown Trump with a slight lead over Biden, with a significant portion of voters, including Democrats, believing that the party would have a better chance of winning with a different candidate.
Concerns about Biden's physical and mental abilities have been raised in polls, with some voters viewing his reelection as a risky choice for the country. Despite these reservations, some voters like Ethan Williams plan to vote for Biden as the best chance to beat Trump.
While some Democratic candidates like Pamela Pugh have criticized Biden's debate performance and emphasized the need for him to earn another four years in office, influential Black leaders and activists in the party continue to support Biden as the Democratic nominee.
Despite the mixed feelings and anxiety among Democrats, Biden still retains support from a range of voters, from enthusiastic to resigned. The debate did not significantly alter the fact that both candidates are unpopular, leaving many Americans unenthusiastic about their choices.
Overall, the sentiment among voters like Christian Garrett is one of frustration and disillusionment with the current state of the presidential race, highlighting the need for Americans to recognize their power in shaping the future of the country.