200 complaints of price gouging at the pumps have been received from members of the public by the competition watchdog.
This is up from 83 a week ago after excise duties on petrol and diesel had been cut by 20c and 15c on March 10th.
The number will be revealed at a committee meeting in Leinster House where the CCPC (Consumer and Competition Protection Commission) will update politicians on what they are doing about the alleged unfair price increases.
Read more: Will Ireland run out of diesel? Experts warn of huge shortage
CCPC chairman, Jeremy Godfrey, is expected to say in his opening statement: “We cannot insulate consumers from the effects of the global upheaval but we will work tirelessly within our mandate on their behalf.

“We will continue to protect the interests of consumers by monitoring compliance with competition and consumer protection law, by reminding businesses that they must continue to abide by their obligations, and by taking action when we see evidence of such breaches.”
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