A Finnish businessman told another passenger to “go back to his own country” in a British Airways lounge at London's Heathrow airport.
Markku Tynkkynen, 69, admitted racial harassment after telling passenger Jain Wu that “Chinese people are arrogant” and was fined a total of £2,189.
When confronted by the lounge manager, he repeated the comments and was promptly arrested and put in a cell for the night.
The paper company director, from Helsinki, admitted racially harassing Jain Wu at Heathrow airport on November 11, last year.
Uxbridge Magistrates' Court heard Tynkkynen was "upset" because Mr Wu sat in his seat.
Prosecutor Melania Drozdowska said: "On the 11 November 2021 at approximately 4pm the victim Mr Wu was sitting in the British Airways business lounge in terminal three at Heathrow airport waiting for his flight to Barcelona.

"He stated he needed to charge his phone and went and sat in an area where there were charging points. He was sitting there for half an hour and checking his emails."
The court heard he was approached by Tynkkynen who told him: "You must be Chinese, so arrogant. Why are you sitting here? There are so many seats, why are you sitting here?"
Ms Drozdowska said: "He looked up from his computer and couldn't believe what he heard. He said he didn't say anything back and was in complete shock.
"The defendant sat opposite and said 'you should go home to your own country and learn some manners.'
"The defendant then got up and moved to another seated area. The victim then got up and spoke to a British Airways service manager and reported the incident."
It was said the manager then spoke to Tynkkynen about the "unacceptable" language used.

Tynkkynen told him he was sitting in the lounge but went to do some shopping and left his belongings by the seat - but when he returned Mr Wu was sitting in his chair.
The prosecutor said he spoke to the defendant and explained it was unacceptable to make any racial comments but the defendant used racist terms.
The court heard police arrived and arrested Tynkkynen and he spent the night in a police cell.
Tynkkynen admitted making the comments to Mr Wu but denied calling him a racially offensive term to the British Airways service manager.
Magistrates ruled making a racial slur about someone if they were not in earshot would not affect sentencing and so a trial would not be needed.
Prosecutors said Mr Wu also was notified and accepted Tynkkynen's basis of plea.
According to Helsinki-based consulting firm Visionhunters, Tynkkynen is a partner and Executive Vice Chairman.
Tynkkynen was fined £1,713 and court costs totalling £276. He was also ordered to pay the victim £200 compensation.