David Burke, a 59-year-old father from Seabord, North Carolina, was deeply moved by the devastation caused by a historic storm in small mountain communities of western North Carolina. Determined to make a difference, Burke and his family, along with a few friends, initially planned to drive six hours to Avery County to cook and distribute 1,000 meals to those in need.
However, Burke's compassionate gesture quickly gained momentum as the community caught wind of his plan. What started as a modest effort to provide meals for 1,000 people soon grew to 5,000 meals, thanks to the overwhelming support of volunteers.

More than 200 volunteers joined Burke on his mission to Newland, where they worked tirelessly to ensure that storm victims who were unable to celebrate Thanksgiving would have a warm meal and a sense of community during a challenging time.
Reflecting on the outpouring of support, Burke expressed his gratitude, stating, 'You would be amazed at just how many people have shown up here to come help this little old guy when all he really wanted to do was go out there and cook 1,000 meals and come home and nobody would ever know a thing about it.'
He went on to share how the experience had profoundly impacted him, reinforcing his faith and dispelling any doubts he may have had. The selfless actions of Burke and the volunteers serve as a powerful reminder of the strength of community and the ability to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.