In a recent rally for presidential candidate Donald Trump in Colorado, the stage was set with a clear message: poster-sized mugshots of Hispanic men in prison-orange were displayed, while speakers preceding Trump fueled fear over violent crimes associated with illegal immigration. The rally featured a mix of speakers, with some like Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert advocating for mass deportation of illegal immigrants, while others like Gabe Evans, a Republican running in Colorado’s 8th Congressional District, avoided direct mention of immigration.
The 8th District, with a significant Latino population, has become a testing ground for candidates trying to appeal to Latino voters without resorting to divisive rhetoric. Both the Republican and Democratic candidates, Evans and the incumbent Yadira Caraveo, respectively, are navigating the complex landscape of immigration policy while trying to secure votes.
Recognizing that Latino voters are not a monolithic group, both candidates are working to engage with this diverse demographic. While Democrats traditionally have had more support from Latino voters, Trump made inroads with this group in the past elections. This has led to a sense of urgency among Democrats to retain their Latino voter base and an opportunity for Republicans to make gains.

During a recent debate in the 8th District, both candidates were questioned about their stance on immigration. Evans, endorsed by Trump, condemned racist statements but avoided directly criticizing Trump's remarks. Caraveo, on the other hand, emphasized the need to represent her constituents' views, showcasing a middle-ground approach.
Both candidates are aware of the need to convince Latino voters of their platforms. Caraveo stressed the importance of including Latinos in decision-making processes beyond just immigration issues. Evans highlighted the disconnect some Latino voters feel with the Democratic Party, citing unfulfilled promises of prosperity and generational wealth.
While Caraveo's approach resonates with some voters who value representation over party allegiance, Evans' rhetoric has also found support among Latino voters disillusioned with traditional party politics. The nuanced views of Latino voters highlight the complexity of immigration issues and the need for candidates to engage respectfully with this diverse community.