This is a new NCAA rule that you might see during March Madness 2023: Flopping now could result in a technical foul.
Last year, the NCAA’s Playing Rules Oversight Panel changed the rules. A technical foul could be given to a player “who fake[s] being fouled” in 2022-23.
More from that ruling: “Committee members defined flopping as an unsporting act that occurs when a player attempts to influence an official’s judgment by creating an appearance that a foul has been committed when there has been incidental or no contact.”
So you might see a situation in March Madness in which a player gets T’d up — meaning the other team gets one free throw and possession — by a ref for a flop.
The 1H total in Colorado-UMass was 70.5…
Colorado missed a three at the buzzer, but was called for a flop, resulting in one technical foul shot.
UMass nailed the free throw to cash the Over 😓pic.twitter.com/1svLHjeRiB
— Action Network (@ActionNetworkHQ) November 17, 2022