On CNBC’s “Halftime Report Final Trades,” Karen Firestone of Aureus Asset Management said Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE:TMO) “might be still up for the day. The company reported earnings and makes “fantastic tools and analytical equipment for biotech and healthcare,” Firestone mentioned. She added, “We think this is a solid business that sailed through covid with a lot of extra business because of testing. But they’re continuing to show growth. And we think it can outperform this year.”
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Shannon Saccocia of Boston Private named Union Pacific Corporation (NYSE:UNP) as her pick. She said, “Rails demand continues to outpace supply.” She added, “They need to get more engineers and conductors online. We think this trend away from full globalization to a more hybrid approached production will continue to be a tailwind.”
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Jon Najarian said he had bought the June 10 calls for Himax Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:HIMX). Joshua Brown of Ritholtz Wealth Management mentioned that he had bought more A O Smith Corp (NYSE:AOS) shares.