Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Monday said that establishing a playground in every panchayat was part of the government policy and work would be commenced soon to set up playgrounds in those panchayat that did not have them. Mr. Vijayan was speaking at the inauguration of a football turf and jogging track set up by the police at the Kannur police ground at a cost of ₹1.68 crore. He said that the space for children to play was shrinking. Therefore, there should be more playgrounds and public places.
Mr. Vijayan said that the tradition of Kannur in the field of football should be preserved. The turf has been set up here for everyone to use. Such facilities for sports and physical activities would be provided all over the State. District Police Chief R. Ilango said that it was the biggest football turf in the district and the first in the State to be set up by the police. The turf is 60 metres by 44 metres. Another feature is the spacious court which can host games for sevens or two fives at the same time. There is a 50-metre pavilion for spectators, a 650-metres walkway for morning and evening walks, a spacious dressing room for athletes and a rest room. Kerala Police Housing and Construction Corporation Limited and Silk Construction Company jointly completed the construction in three months. The aim behind this activity was to attract the youth of Kannur to sports and to say no drugs, he said.