CHENNAI: The Green Tamil Nadu Mission, aimed at increasing the state's green cover from 23.7% to 33% in 10 years, was launched by chief minister M K Stalin at Arignar Anna Zoological Park in Vandalur on Saturday.
On the occasion Stalin said, "With involvement of various sectors, public and private organizations and people participation a massive tree planting program will be undertaken to plant a variety of indigenous trees for the next 10 years," he said. He added that 2.80 crore saplings have been raised through private charities and private nurseries. Details of all planting locations are collected along with geotagged data to monitor sapling planting, survival rate," he said.
About 500 saplings of ten indigenous species were planted and later another 1000 will be planted at Vandalur zoo's parking area.
State forest minister, K Ramachandran stated that planting more trees is an important way to quickly control the natural hazards caused by climate change, so Tamil Nadu is planning to cover 12,000 sq km in the next 10 years through the Green Movement. And only indigenous species will be used.
The chief minister felicitated farmers and individuals for their contribution in afforestation activities.