A clubber repeatedly punched a man in the face and knocked him unconscious in a nightclub attack. He tried to flee the scene and jump a barrier but was detained by door staff who discovered he was in possession of amphetamine.
Thomas Fereday, 35, brutally assaulted Robert Roffey at Coyote Ugly in Cardiff city centre on November 22 last year while out celebrating his birthday with friends. The attack was caught on CCTV after Mr Roffey sat at the group's table and deliberately knocked a drink and belongings off the table.
A sentencing hearing at Newport Crown Court on Friday heard the defendant approached the victim after he had picked up Fereday's bank notes which had fallen onto the floor from his coat pocket. Footage played to the court showed an argument breaking out and the defendant pushed Mr Roffey, who lifted his foot up. Fereday proceeded to grab the victim by the collar and they locked heads. Not long after this Fereday delivered six punches to the victim's face in quick succession, knocking him out cold.
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Mr Roffey was assisted by other clubbers and remained unconscious for 10 minutes as Fereday and a friend left the club but they were detained outside and he was arrested. When searched he was found in possession of amphetamine The defendant, of Edmundsbury Drive, Duffryn, Newport, later pleaded guilty to inflicting grievous bodily harm with intent and possession of a Class B drug.

In a victim personal statement Mr Roffey said he was taken to hospital and feared for his life. He was tested for brain damage but had fortunately not suffered any long-term injuries.
The victim added: "I needed surgery to repair three separate breaks to my jaw and had metal plates inserted. My face was severely swollen and bruised, I couldn't open my mouth enough to fit my finger in and ate through a straw. My daughter was extremely distressed and when she saw me she called me a monster and [thought] I wasn't her daddy."
The court heard Fereday had six previous convictions including wounding, battery, driving with excess alcohol, and domestic violence. In mitigation William Bebb said his client took full responsibility for the incident, had genuine remorse, and was ashamed of his actions.
Recorder Simon Hughes said the defendant displayed a "presentation of violence over a long period of time". He sentenced Fereday to a total of 36 months imprisonment.
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