Climate activists have been gathering at Belfast City Hall all week to call on Stormont to get to work on the Climate Bill.
Former Environment Minister Edwin Poots told us in 2022 DAERA have to “lay the first Climate Action Plan before the Assembly by the end of 2023”.
But with Northern Ireland’s devolved government not operating campaigners fear they won’t deliver.
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We spoke to climate activist Anna Kernahan, who told us: “As someone who has read the science, I am terrified about the climate crisis and the fact they are not, says something.
“We are doing this protest every day this week from 12-12.30pm,” she added. “It’s to kick start the first week of 2023 the way we mean to go on.
“Stormont may be doing nothing but we are not going to stand for that - we are going to make sure they act.
“We have members of political parties here today, we have multiple organisations - YCANI, Extinction Rebellion, Friends of the Earth.
“There are so many people that want the Climate Act to be put into action and really follow the science.
“We will continue every single Friday to keep the momentum going and we want to see tangible action.
“They have declared a climate emergency, then went on to create a Climate Act but there are so many things they have not done - they are not acting as if we are in an emergency.
“I am aware there is no one in Stormont at the minute but the climate crisis has not stopped, people are still dying, it’s getting worse by the day.”
Parties represented at the strike on Friday included Alliance and the SDLP.

Activists will also gather on Saturday and Sunday before returning to school climate strikes every Friday.
Anna urged all politicians to read the IPCC report and get to work on the Climate Act.
She says those calling for action “don’t believe they will do it based on being let down so many times before” - but that she’s “staying hopeful”.
“This year is going to be the hottest year in recorded history - it’s not the year to just sit idly and watch it.”
- The Earth's Corr: 11 things politicians can do to improve our lives and climate
- Watch: NI comedian shows why she's 'scundered' with Stormont in sketch series
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