Claudia Jessie Peyton, 31, was born in Birmingham and raised on a canal boat by her mother. She was home-schooled and has no formal qualifications but was talent-spotted while trying standup and recruited by a local theatre company. Her TV roles include Line of Duty, Doctor Who and Vanity Fair. She plays Eloise, the eponymous family’s second oldest daughter, in the hit Netflix period drama Bridgerton, which returns on Friday.
Where do we find your character Eloise as Bridgerton returns?
She’s making her debut on the London social scene. Anyone who’s a fan of the show can probably predict how she responds – with gritted teeth and many an eye roll. Eloise is only 18; I’m 31 and can barely respond to text messages, let alone be presented to the Queen, then ultimately married off. Finding love isn’t even in her top 10 list of desires. She wants autonomy, to earn her own money and make her own choices.
Is she a proto-feminist?
Hers is the explicit feminist narrative throughout the piece. It’s skilfully peppered throughout all the characters, with even the boys questioning their roles, but Eloise is the one who’s got a megaphone, shouting: “This is rubbish!”
We see her reading Mary Wollstonecraft in the early episodes. Are you a bookworm too?
I’ve always had my head in a book. I’ve just invested in a secondhand Kindle, in fact, because I live on a canal boat and I can’t just keep adding to my book collection or we’d sink.
What were your formative books?
One of the first books I remember being given was Little Women by my nan. I read that six times in rapid succession. I’m a member of Extinction Rebellion, so went through a big George Monbiot phase. I also read Japanese authors like Ryu Murakami. In the Miso Soup is the darkest novel I’ve ever read. One chapter gave me palpitations.
Bridgerton became Netflix’s top show in 76 countries. What’s the appeal?
It’s not bleak or dark or intense. It’s a bit of a cuddle. A sexy cuddle, mind you, but a cuddle nonetheless.
Will Eloise get her sexy moment?
I wonder what that would be like? A sexy-but-funny montage, maybe. It would be cool to see Eloise awaken and get in touch with that side of herself. In season one, she didn’t even know how babies were made.
Eloise is best friends with Penelope Featherington, played by Nicola Coughlan. What’s your relationship like off-screen?
Nicola always says it’s the other way around. In Bridgerton, Eloise talks at Penelope a lot of the time; in real life, I’m more introverted and Nicola does most of the chatting. We were the first two people cast. I remember seeing our head shots next to each other on a wall and thinking – “Cool!” – because Nicola’s incredible.

Didn’t Nicola stab you with a parasol during your first scene?
Correct, she drew blood. Nicola had heels on and kept falling over. I tried to catch her and the silver spokes of the umbrella went bosh, straight into my hand. I managed to keep it away from my costume but bloodied my white glove. It was a blood oath. That’s why we’re so close now.
What do you make of Eloise’s big queer fanbase?
I can see why she connects with people, because she’s one of a kind within the show. She’s quite modern, so closer to the audience in attitude and spirit. It’s beautiful that the queer community identify with her. But I don’t experience a lot of the love because I’m not on social media.
Why not?
It’s my Kate Bush inclinations to be slightly reclusive. When I figured out I wanted to act, that became my mission. But there are parts of the industry that don’t chime with my natural disposition. In order to maintain happiness, I have to eliminate certain things. With my anxious tendencies, it wouldn’t bode well so I steer clear.
Eloise never looks comfortable in her finery but do you enjoy wearing the regency costumes?
I mean, it’s the nicest I’ll ever look. I’m not a fancy dresser at home. Living on a boat means I get covered in oil, coal, wood chips, dust, canal water, diesel. There’s no point dressing up, so I love getting to do it on-set.
Is it true that you only wear secondhand clothes?
It’s six years since I shopped on the high street. I’ll buy new underwear but ethically sourced and mostly recycled materials. Otherwise, it’s strictly thrift and vintage shops.
What’s the appeal of living on a boat?
I loved it as a kid and that stuck with me. When I moved to London, I lived in various terrifying places, scraping money together for rent. I thought I’d never get a mortgage for a house so started saving, slowly but surely, for a canal boat. It’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I love cruising, the small spaces, the smell of the engine. It’s all I’ve ever wanted.
You were raised by a working-class single mother. How did that shape you?
It’s about expectations. Mine were never high. I worked very hard but never expected to make it. Even now, I leave auditions and think: “Well, I’m clearly not going to get that.” When I do, I’m pleasantly surprised. My mum cleaned houses to pay for my dance classes or music lessons or my brother’s activities. She’d do anything so we could have a shot. I’m very aware of where I’m from and how hard life can be. That will never leave me. It’s also made me a nester. I don’t want for much; I love just pottering around on the boat.
How come you were home-schooled?
School wasn’t a nice environment for me; I had a hard time. I left at 14 and my poor mum home-schooled me while doing cleaning jobs. She’d teach me maths while ironing someone else’s clothes. Remarkable, really, but I learned better one on one, away from social pressures.
Is there a class gap in the acting profession?
Growing up on a canal boat or council estate, I wasn’t going to the theatre. An acting career never crossed my mind. It’s hard to have beautiful dreams when you’ve got to focus on earning money, paying rent and practicalities. But those voices are important. Expressing yourself and having an emotional outlet is so valuable. I didn’t train, don’t have any qualifications, didn’t make all the right choices. It’s against the odds that I’m here now.
You were Thandiwe Newton’s sidekick, DC Jodie Taylor, in Line of Duty. How was that?
When it aired, my friend sent me an article titled: Why DC Jodie Taylor is just the absolute worst! [laughs]. I love Thandiwe. We’re still in contact and she’s a beautiful woman. And I learned so much from Vicky McClure’s ability to be so naturalistic. [Showrunner] Jed Mercurio would tell me: “Don’t really act, just say the words.” That taught me to rein it in.
What role does Buddhism play in your life?
I’m one of the noisy Buddhists. I don’t meditate, I chant – “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo”, the same as Tina Turner. Me and Tina T, no big deal. I did it as a kid with my mum and auntie but found it awkward when I hit my teens. Then I was 17, very sad, struggling with my brain, and my auntie was like: “Right, let’s commit to chanting.” It made me feel better and I haven’t stopped since. It’s the anchor of my life. I wouldn’t be here without it. Now I have responsibilities within the Buddhist community. I look after all the young women who practise it across the Midlands. It’s a job I do very gladly.
What projects are in the pipeline for you?
I can’t talk much about it yet but I’m going to Sydney for two months, working on something I’m very excited about. Let’s just say it’s very different to Bridgerton. Then I’m back for Bridgerton season three.
Are you signed up for season four as well?
Hope so! I think I am. There’s much more to come from Eloise, so I’m definitely sticking around.
Bridgerton season two streams on Netflix from 25 March