A stockbroker who raped a woman after a drug and champagne-fuelled party in his City office has been jailed for six years.
Daniel Green, 26, snorted lines of cocaine during a boozy Friday night out after work, before pouncing on the woman as she slept under a desk.
She told the Old Bailey how Green pulled off her trousers and knickers and dragged her towards him during the terrifying attack, only stopping when she burst into tears.
Green, who had only been at brokerage firm StratX for a week, claimed they had stripped each other naked for consensual sex, and he thought she was crying because of the sized of his manhood.
But a jury deliberated for just under six hours before finding him guilty of rape by a majority of 11 to 1.

Green displayed no emotion as he was found guilty.
The attack happened in the early hours of May 16 last year, after Green and his stockbroker pals had been bar-hopping around the City with the victim and her friend.
The court heard her friend had "a s*** load of cocaine" which they had shared between them, taking it in turned to snort the drugs in the toilets.
When the bars closed, the group headed back to StratX's fourth floor office in Abchurch Lane, near to Monument Station, to carry on the party with champagne, white wine, and more cocaine.
Green's colleague, a 21-year-old man, said they were dancing in the office and chatting amicably, but the atmosphere soured after a row over missing drugs.
He said Green told him during the row "I am not a rapist" and was "aggressive" afterwards, pacing the corridors and dipping in and out of rooms randomly.
Green eventually said he would leave the party, but went into the office next door where the victim had gone to sleep in order to charge his phone.
She tearfully told the court how she had gone to sleep to wait for the first train home because she did not have enough money for a taxi, but awoke to find Green pulling her clothes off.
"I was in a state of shock about what was happening, I knew what was going to happen", she said.
"This was absolutely something I didn't want to happen."
She said she "wriggled" free a couple of times but Green dragged her back, stopping when she started to cry and then fled from the office.
However, he claimed they had kissed before taking each other's clothes off and starting to have sex.
Green. of Prospect Hill, Walthamstow, told jurors he had a ten-inch penis which makes sex difficult, and believed that she was crying because he was accidentally hurting her.
"I always have difficulty when it comes to having sex with girls, I find my penis is hard to penetrate females", he said.
Sentencing him today, the judge said Green would not be punished for "what seems to be a City cultural of excessive drinking and casual use of drugs when you go out socialising".
But he told him: "Having been out drinking and all of you taking cocaine, in the early hours of the morning you were wandering around the office, you had been told to go home and did not, and were behaving in a strange fashion.
"It may you were coming down from the cocaine you were taking. But I don't accept you were waiting for the first train home, as the first Central line train leaves at 5.35am and you were still in the office well after 6am."
He said the attack was "persistent" and his comment - oh f*** she's crying" - when he saw tears rolling down her face, was "totally impersonal".
The judge added: "You displayed a certain degree of arrogance when you gave your evidence."