Cities: Skylines 2 continues to lumber toward proper completion with another new patch fixing a handful of issues—including problems with custom climates, and an issue that was causing tool modes to disappear. Alas, your city's hoteliers will remain unhappy, because their problems remain unsolved.
The problem for your hospitality industry isn't actually a lack of lodgers, it's that even when all rooms are occupied, hotels will still complain about "not enough customers," an issue that apparently arises because the "Lodging" resource is consumed too slowly. Colossal Order is working on a fix for that, but it wasn't ready in time for this patch—it'll be included in a subsequent patch once it's passed testing.
Moving on to things that are fixed, "if your favorite map was updated with a custom climate and you had issues with it as a result—or if you’re a map maker itching to add a custom climate to your maps—you’ll be happy to know that this patch includes a fix for the FPS issue that affected custom climates," Colossal Order said. Various UI improvements have also been made, and the developer has resolved a couple of crash issues and a bug that caused your citizens to go shopping in office buildings.
"Job-seeking calculations" of your citizenry have also been optimized, which I can only assume means that either your city is about to enter a golden age of economic prosperity driven by record-high rates of employment, or that the sparks of revolution will be struck by endless waves of massive, crippling general strikes. Hard to tell with this sort of thing.
It's not a huge patch, but it's a step forward in what has been a very bad year for Cities: Skylines 2. The game launched in rough shape and the path to improvement has not been a smooth one: Post-launch plans were thrown into disarray by the need to focus on fixes, relations with fans soured, and the first DLC release pissed people off even more. The net result is a persistent "mixed" rating on Steam and a concurrent player count that still hasn't surpassed the original.
Still, it's movement in the right direction, and work continues. Colossal Order community manager Avanya said in the comments on Steam that fixes for ongoing problems with homeless households are being worked on and will hopefully be included in the next patch, and that an update on the asset editor will be shared "once the remaining issues are ironed out."