The eagerly anticipated Barbie movie will finally be making its way to cinemas from July 21 onwards, lighting up cinemas with an explosion of hot pink.
Fans of the beloved doll look set to be in for a real treat this summer, and there's even more fun in store if you're lucky enough to have a Ken in your life.
Vue Cinema is now offering customers who bring along a real-life Ken to their screening a free Tango Ice Blast or popcorn - and you won't have to rock up in a pink Corvette to claim your prize.
All you'll need to do is head over to your local Vue screening on July 21, 22, or 23, accompanied by the Ken in your life, and show a minimum of two tickets at the desk.
Any Kens brought along will also need to show a valid form of ID - including driving license, debit card, or passport - so that staff can ensure "they're not another doll in disguise".

As per the Vue website: "No Barbie is complete without their Ken. And like any fine accessory, you shouldn't be seen without yours (sorry, Ken...) Here's why you'll want your favourite tag-along to join you at Vue.
"If you have a partner, family member, friend, colleague, or vague acquaintance who goes by 'Ken', you could nab yourself a free retail item just for bringing them along!
"What kind of retail item? Well, how about our exclusive Barbie-pink Candy Floss Tango Ice Blast, slushed up just for you? Or, if you prefer, you could choose a regular popcorn to share with your Ken. You know, if you're feeling generous."

Bonafide Kens of any variation will be welcome, "including but not limited to Kenneth, Kendrick, Kendall, and Kenji". As long as their name starts with Ken, then they're all good to go.
Both you and your Ken will also need to be over the age of 16 at the time of purchase and so must be able to provide ID when asked.
You'll have to hurry, however, as any Kens who show their tickets after July 23 will have to pay for their sweet treats, even if they were to rock up with Barbie herself.
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