Officials of the Andhra Pradesh Crime Investigation Department (CID) organised Cybercrime’ awareness programme for women employees and students here on Monday.
The one-day session, aimed at sensitising Mahila Police, students and the women employees, was organised with the advice and support of Director General of Police (DGP) K.V. Rajendranath Reddy and Additional DG, CID, N. Sanjay, said CID (Women Protection Cell) Superintendent of Police K.G.V. Saritha.
NTR Commissionerate Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP-Administration) M. Sathi Babu inaugurated the programme. State Bank of India, Chief manager (HR), K. Nageswara Rao, attended the session.
Cyber researcher Srinivas Bhoosarapu explained on social media security, internet browsing safety, SMS and email frauds, how to secure the mobile phones, how to respond on cybercrimes, protection from phishing, financial and matrimonial frauds and other cyber offences.
Mahila police, women employees of various government organisations, police officers of various districts and students attended.