The United States Men’s National Team is battling Iran in the World Cup right now with a trip to the knockout stage on the line. So yeah, it’s a huge game and the path is an easy one for the U.S. – win and advance. Lose and go home.
Well, Christian Pulisic is not ready to go home and the star player of the USMNT is apparently willing to risk it all to make sure that doesn’t happen. The 24-year-old forward scored the opening goal of the game and he did so in painful fashion as he slammed into Iran’s goalkeeper as the ball went in the net.
Check this out:
Take another look at his first-ever FIFA World Cup goal for the @USMNT 🇺🇸 pic.twitter.com/s6tKehRLg2
— FOX Soccer (@FOXSoccer) November 29, 2022
Pulisic puts it away! 😤
🎥 » @FOXSoccer
pic.twitter.com/HPId4hsu4a— U.S. Men's National Soccer Team (@USMNT) November 29, 2022
His poor groin. That couldn’t have felt good at all.
Pulisic took some time on the sidelines before going back in the game:
Pulisic is helped off the sideline after scoring for the USMNT pic.twitter.com/6C2z6sKNAZ
— FOX Soccer (@FOXSoccer) November 29, 2022
Leaving it all on the line 🇺🇸
Pulisic is back out on the field for the @USMNT 👏👏 pic.twitter.com/1bDrEmdVYv
— FOX Soccer (@FOXSoccer) November 29, 2022
UPDATE: He did not come out for the second half and we hope all is ok with the USMNT hero.
Soccer fans were in awe of his groin.
Christian Pulisic literally took a knee to the groin for his country
— Brian MacPherson (@brianmacp) November 29, 2022
Pulisic just sacrificed his groin for our country 🇺🇸 🇺🇸🇺🇸 @USMNT #WorldCup
— Tyler George (@tgeorge1323) November 29, 2022
Pulisic can have my groin, I don't need it anymore.
— Peelon Musk (@mmigliore) November 29, 2022
Christian Pulisic sacrificed his groin for America. True patriotism.
— Mike Piellucci (@mikelikessports) November 29, 2022
Pulisic took a shot to the groin because he loves freedom.
— Sam Blum (@SammBlum) November 29, 2022
Christian Pulisic just sacrificed his groin for his country with that goal. What a legend
— Alexandra Utke (@theyoungestutke) November 29, 2022
Nothing more patriotic than taking a knee to the groin for your country. Biden should give Pulisic the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
— Matt Soffer ($8 blue checkmark) (@msoffer82) November 29, 2022
Christian Pulisic may have just taken the greatest shot to the groin in American history.
Take that, @AFVofficial. #USMNT
— Dan Pfeifer (@MUPfeif) November 29, 2022
That was the most painful shot to the groin since Hans Moleman that Pulisic took right there pic.twitter.com/r95wsUt8S5
— Wes Reynolds (@WesReynolds1) November 29, 2022
Christian Pulisic got to live every kid's dream and instead of getting to celebrate he got kneed in the groin
— Tim Webber (@HelloTimWebber) November 29, 2022
Pulisic putting all on the line for the country! Tough knee cap to the groin there.
— Daylin Britt (@DaylinBritt) November 29, 2022
My 10th grade gym class played soccer occasionally and once I got directly kicked in the groin by an opponent and lay on the ground for approximately 30 minutes as the class continued to play around me. That's why Pulisic reentering this game impresses me.
— Jeff Lackinghair (@FreeBald) November 29, 2022