A pet owner has warned others about the danger chocolate poses for dogs, after hers nearly died eating Quality Street at Christmas.
Rachel, 28, was left worried sick when her dog, Tilly, was left seriously ill last Christmas after eating an entire tin of chocolate treats that were left on top of a table.
The Jack Chi's owner was left with thousands of pounds in vet's bills when the nine-year-old dog gorged on the festive treat, reports Leeds Live.
Last December, just four days before Christmas, Tilly became increasingly poorly and was rushed to the vets.
And despite being treated, the greedy dog struck again.
Speaking out about her horror when she found Tilly "inhaling" the chocolate again, Rachel is now urging other pet owners to be cautious about what they leave out when they are gone.
The 28-year-old said: "I always have an advent calendar, a giant tub of Quality Street on the coffee table, and then there are the little chocolates we hang on the tree.
"One of the chocolate Christmas tree ornaments hung quite low, enough to be in Tilly’s reach and again she inhaled a chocolate before I could get to her. The same symptoms started happening again, so we rushed her back to the vet."
Rachel spent a whopping £1,000 on vet bills to help her poorly dog.
But she said that she would have spent all the money in the world to help her pet, and this incident taught her a lesson.
She said: "I was so worried about her, and I felt so guilty I didn’t spot her eat the chocolate, it’s definitely taught me a lesson to keep any harmful foods far out of reach from now on. We ended up cancelling our plans to go to the panto so I could stay in and make sure her condition improved, swapping the theatre for snuggles on the sofa.
"You don’t realise how poorly dogs can get from even just one chocolate. We’ve chocolate-proofed the house this year to make sure there are no more incidents like this."
Meanwhile, vets across the UK have shared what the potential dangers Christmas poses for pets are.
From toxic plants and poisonous foods to accidents with decorations, there are many risks to pets during the festive season.
TrustedHousesitters has worked with vets and animal experts to reveal the biggest dangers pets can face at Christmas, as well as what people can do to avoid them:

1. Christmas tree - protect it with foil and citrus peel
One of the main dangers at Christmas is the tree – dogs, cats and other small animals can be tempted to climb the tree or jump up to play with hanging decorations.
Vet Dr. Chyrle Bonk, DVM , advises: “Placing foil or citrus peels around the trunk and base of the Christmas tree can keep cats away, or you may consider placing an ex-pen fence around it to keep pets away from the presents as well.”
2. Mistletoe isn’t always for kissing
Some seasonal plants can be extremely dangerous, so always supervise pets around them or, better yet, avoid them altogether.
Dr. Megan Conrad, BVMS, a licensed vet said: "Many holiday plants can cause health problems for your pet, ranging from GI upset to heart issues and kidney failure. Definitely avoid mistletoe and holly, along with lilies, pine boughs and wreaths.
"The pine needles on a live Christmas tree can also be harmful if ingested."
3. Tinsel can be deadly
While it may look pretty, tinsel can be fatal if you have pets, with vet, Monika Šragová saying: "I would strongly advise against tinsel, especially if you have a cat as it can be deadly. Tinsel, ribbons, yarn… anything that’s 'stringy' can result in a condition we call a linear foreign body.
"This happens when one end of the string wraps around the base of the tongue or anchors itself in the stomach, and the rest moves into the intestines. Since it’s anchored at one end, it cannot be passed and will cause severe damage to your pet’s intestines. Linear foreign body is a life-threatening condition that needs immediate surgical intervention.”
4. The food!
Christmas treats spells danger when it comes to pets eating something toxic.
Dr. Helena Adalid Marin, a veterinarian added: "Christmas is the time of the year when we receive the most poisoning cases. The main culprit is chocolate, which is very toxic to dogs. Seafood and sauces with onion and garlic should also be avoided, not to mention letting them taste champagne.
"Avoid giving pets any food from the table and keep the bin tightly closed because they’ll end up sniffing out leftover food."
Despite dogs being known for their love of bones, poultry bones are also a definite no-no. Veterinary surgeon, Dr. Linda Simon said: "While it may be tempting to toss the turkey carcase to our dog, bones should not be given. They can cause tooth fractures, gut obstructions or severe constipation. Instead, stick with some lean meat."