Nebraska Senator Pete Ricketts recently raised concerns about the significant increase in Chinese nationals illegally crossing the southern border, citing an alarming 8,000 percent surge in the past two and a half years. Ricketts emphasized the national security implications of this surge, labeling it a crisis created by the Biden administration.
Ricketts expressed apprehension about the potential infiltration of spies and saboteurs by the Chinese Communist Party within the large groups of individuals crossing the border. He highlighted a specific incident in the San Diego sector where more Chinese nationals crossed in three days than in the entire year of 2021.
Furthermore, Ricketts pointed out that it's not just Chinese nationals crossing the border but also individuals from countries like Syria and Iran. He underscored the urgency of the situation, emphasizing the need for immediate action to address the security risks posed by the open border.

When discussing potential solutions, Ricketts criticized the Senate border bill as insufficient and suggested that Congress has the power to enact measures to secure the border. He lamented the lack of bipartisan support for effective border control legislation and accused the Democrats of obstructing efforts to address the crisis.
Ricketts concluded by asserting that President Biden has the authority to address the border situation but has chosen not to do so. He called for stronger measures to compel the administration to take action and suggested that removing Biden from office may be necessary to address the ongoing border challenges.
In summary, Senator Pete Ricketts of Nebraska highlighted the escalating national security risks associated with the surge in illegal border crossings, particularly by Chinese nationals. He criticized the current administration's handling of the situation and called for decisive action to secure the border and protect the country from potential threats.