Chineke! was founded in 2015 as Europe’s “first professional orchestra of black and ethnic minority musicians”. It now describes its members as “majority Black and ethnically diverse” but that majority is large. A concert marking its tenth anniversary was bound to be noisy; so it proved.
The name comes from Nigeria’s Igbo language; with the exclamation mark, it could translate as “Oh my God!” – a shout of exaltation? Or perhaps shock, that such ensembles are still rare. All UK orchestras may be working to diversify their personnel but it’s a slow process; Chineke! shows what’s possible.
Its programmes often include standard repertoire; not here. Instead, we got a selection of Chineke! commissions, conducted with calm authority by Matthew Kofi Waldren. BBC Radio 3 recorded proceedings so presenter (and sometime orchestra member) Linton Stephens served as cheerleader, introducing each piece with the composer while urging us to applaud more loudly.
Waldren opened with a premiere, Shirley J Thompson’s Jubilate. After a brassy, busily percussive opening, an insidious melodic wisp passed from section to section before a martial interlude ushered in a raucous climax. Satisfyingly concise, it established an uplifting mood. Julian Joseph’s Carry that Sound fused blues phrasings with what the composer called a “Gene Kelly moment”.

The result had an easy-going charm that was matched by Roderick Williams’s Three Songs from Ethiopia Boy, setting texts by Chris Beckett, sung by the composer with vocal interjections from the players. Although Williams wasn’t aiming to “sound African”, the percussive introduction, jagged rhythms and long lines recalled non-Western traditions. He’s a naturally communicative singer; a shame the orchestra sometimes overpowered his voice.
Williams was one of four contributors to Song of the Prophets: A Requiem for the Climate. First, Ayanna Witter-Johnson’s Creation used careful layering of percussion whispers and woodwind murmurs to re-imagine the opening of Genesis. Daniel Kidane’s lament Ruin recalled Britten at his most expressive, then Shirley J Thompson’s Recovery struck a brighter note before Williams’s Redemption brought the anthology to a close with a knowing nod towards Wagner. Between each movement, guest soloists played brief improvisations on, respectively, tabla, nyatiti (a Kenyan lute) and talking drums: a shame there wasn’t time for more.
James B Wilson’s Free-man, memorialising the little-known 1963 Bristol bus boycott, oozed confident lyricism, notably in the long melodic arc of the flute introduction. The celebration closed with a Chineke! signature piece, Daniel Kidane’s Dream Song. Words from Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream” speech (again sung by Williams) underpin an at times unsettled, unsettling “symphony of brotherhood”, to quote King. Chineke! gave the premiere in 2018; it’s ageing nicely, an optimistic augury for the next decade of Chineke! music-making.
Broadcast on BBC Radio 3/BBC Sounds, Wednesday January 29