For a certain woman in Adelaide Hills, Australia, fetching ice from her refrigerator will from now on involve at least some trepidation.
That’s because the woman this week discovered a large and potentially dangerous snake inside the ice dispenser as she approached to fill a glass.
The accompanying video shows an Adelaide Hills Snake Catcher employee coaxing the snake free of the compartment and into a canvass bag.
“You just never know where you’re going to catch them,” the company stated on Facebook.
9 News identified the reptile as a red-bellied black snake and began its report: “It was a shock discovery for an Adelaide mum when instead of a glass of ice she was greeted with a very slippery creature.”
Encounters with red-bellied black snakes are fairly common in parts of Australia. While the snakes are venomous and their bites can cause illness, they are not typically aggressive toward humans.
The refrigerator in question appears to be inside a garage or work shed, which might make such a bizarre discovery less surprising.
–Image was supplied to 9 News