Many of Chicago’s most popular museums have free days planned in January and February for Illinois residents. Most recommend reserving tickets online in advance and require some proof of residency.
Here’s a quick rundown of your options:
Shedd Aquarium
The Shedd Aquarium has 15 free days set for January and February, including every Thursday, Wednesday and Thursday starting Feb. 7 and on Feb. 28.
The current slate of free dates run Jan. 12-16, with later hours of operation Jan. 14-16 and every Tuesday and Thursday in Feb. beginning Feb. 7. Tickets must be reserved in advance online.
Illinois residents are charged a $3 transaction fee when ordering online, and adults will also be asked to provide proof of residency onsite when redeeming the online reservations.
For more info and to reserve tickets, visit sheddaquarium.org
Art Institute of Chicago
The Art Institute of Chicago is free for Illinois residents every weekday through March 24. The museum is closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Tickets for free days can be reserved online with a credit card (the museum uses the zip code of the card’s billing address to verify residency). If you’re unable to reserve tickets online, the admissions desk can help verify residency the day of visit.
Admission is free every day for active-duty military personnel, Illinois educators, kids/teens 18 and under, and LINK and WIC cardholders.
For more info and to reserve tickets, visit artic.edu.
Field Museum
The Field Museum has several free days most weeks in January, February and March, many on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Next up are are Jan. 11, Jan. 16–18, Jan. 24–25, Jan. 31–Feb. 1, Feb. 7–8, Feb. 14–15, Feb. 20–21 and Feb. 28.
Free tickets for Illinois residents can’t be reserved in advance or online, and visitors will need to show proof of residency at the museum.
In addition to free general admission, Illinois residents can buy discounted passes to ticketed exhibitions and 3D movies on free days.
For more info, visit fieldmuseum.org.
Museum of Science and Industry
Illinois residents can visit the museum for free several times this year, including Monday through Wednesday most weeks in January, and Monday through Thursday most weeks in February. These dates include Jan. 16–18, Jan. 23–25 and Jan. 30–Feb. 2, Feb. 6–9, Feb. 13–14, Feb. 16 and Feb. 21.
Free admission is limited to six children under 18 per adult and doesn’t include special ticketed exhibitions or experiences. Free tickets are available online or at the museum.
For more info and complete schedule of dates through November, visit msichicago.org.
Adler Planetarium
The Adler Planetarium is holding free days for Illinois residents every Wednesday evening in 2023 from 4–10 p.m. Free admission includes museum admission and exhibitions. The planetarium also offers discounted tickets for Sky Shows that can be purchased online.
Free day ticket reservations must be made online at adlerplanetarium.org.
Museum of Contemporary Art
The Museum of Contemporary Art is free for Illinois residents on Tuesdays throughout the year and stays open until 9 p.m. The museum recommends reserving tickets online.
For more info and ticket reservations, visit mcachicago.org.
Chicago History Museum
The Chicago History Museum is free for Illinois residents year-round and on many weekdays in January and February as well as commemorative holidays including Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Fourth of July.
Upcoming free days include Jan. 14–20, Jan. 24–27, Jan. 31–Feb. 3, Feb. 7–10, Feb. 14–17, Feb. 20–24 and Feb. 28.
For more info and for ticket reservations, visit chicagohistory.org.
Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum
The Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum is holding “Suggested Donation Days” on Thursdays in January and February. Upcoming dates include Jan. 12, 19 and 26 and Feb. 2, 9, 16 and 23. On these dates museum admission is free for Illinois residents, though the museum still suggests a $10 donation.
For more info, visit naturemuseum.org.
The DuSable Black History Museum and History Center
Admission is free for Illinois residents on Wednesdays year-round at the museum. Visitors are encouraged to reserve tickets ahead of time, and advance reservations are needed for some special exhibitions.
Discounted parking is available at at the University of Chicago Medical Parking Garage B at 5631 S. Cottage Grove Ave.
For more info visit dusabemuseum.org.
Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center
Admission is free for everyone, including Illinois residents, at the Skokie museum on the last Friday of every month. Tickets, which include all exhibitions, can be reserved online.
For more info and tickets, visit ilholocaustmuseum.org.