Whispers come of fall kings already coming to shore amid the usual mid-summer patterns and that leads this particularly sprawling raw-file Midwest Fishing Report.
Traditionally, the first king catches on shore tend to come around Aug. 20. See more on the early kings on shore at the report from Park Bait in the Lakefront report below.
Dennis Kunka emailed the photo at the top and this:
Double fish on one hook! Friend Len got hit. Asked if he wanted net. As he said no, small one line shot to the side and ran! Strange feel to it until we saw the double. Small was hooked with tip out of lip. Big joins the party by, we think, eating worm hanging out of his mouth, trying to steal worm and got hooked on barb. Had to undo big one, then pull hook up to lip and feed it back in and out of the little one.
Have had double on treble hooks, never on one hook.Fun time on the water!
MAKE it a GREAT day!
When I asked, he added:
Lake Walloon in the Lakelands, Plainfield.
Have you ever heard of this type of catch?
MAKE it a GREAT day!
I have not heard of it on a single hook, but have done it and seen it on trebles.
Chicago Park District’s parking passes ($20 for two months) for the anglers’ parking lots at DuSable and Burnham harbors are on sale at Park Bait at Montrose Harbor (cash only) and the Northerly Island Visitor Center (credit card only, during the summer, 7-10 a.m. Tuesdays and Fridays).
My column from Nov. 30, 2022, on parking the length of the Chicago lakefront is posted at https://chicago.suntimes.com/2022/11/30/23485385/chicago-lakefront-parking-fishing
Illinois’ bullfrog (only) season runs through Oct. 15. A fishing license is required. “Bullfrogs may be taken only by hook and line, gig, pitchfork, spear, bow and arrow, hand, or landing net.” Daily bag limit is eight, possession limit is 16.
Dave Kranz of Dave’s Bait, Tackle and Taxidermy in Crystal Lake and with his You-Tube channel, Dave Kranz Living the wild outdoors, texted:
Here at Dave’s we are seeing a lot of plastic frogs getting bought. Many ponds and backwaters have good slop on them. Use 50lb. Braided line on a 7’4 heavy rod. Don’t set the hook when you see the strike, wait to feel the fish.

Ken “Husker” O’Malley of Husker Outdoors emailed the photo above and this:
Hey Dale,
Here is a recap of this past weeks fishing.
Area lakes-
Bass have been good during early morning hours throwing a frog into flats with lily pads. The best color has been black with a yellow and black skirt.
Evening hours throw a baby 1- along the weed edges adjacent to deep drop offs. Pausing the bait for a second or two will draw strikes from the less aggressive bass.
Tonight saw a beautiful sunset paired with a rising super moon.
Even though it was a minor time, there was a flury of good activity at that moment.Here is the nature pic of the week taken by Vickie O’Malley.
Ken Husker O’Malley
Husker Outdoors Waterwerks fishing team

Rob Abouchar emailed the photo above and this:
Hi Dale
. . .
In island lake terns have been feeding the last two weeks. Bluegill remain a good bite on crawlers or red trout worms. Some big bullhead cats also taken off the dock. Bass bite slowed but hitting plasti or frogs in slop.
On the music front I’m looking forward to seeing Dan Peters August 10th at phils beach in waucanda. i went to college with him at EIU. He is quite an accomplished axe man. August 11 at tipsy o’Brien in Mundelein with midnite mile. August 26th in Merrill Wisconsin with the conscious rockers and sept 9th with midnite mile in Merrill. If that’s not enough a possible appearance with Indika reggae band when the back up my friend from Jamaica Anthony Cruz at The Brauerhaus in Lombard
Tight lines and good health

Jeffrey Williams messaged the photo above Tuesday from Independence Grove and this:
Independence grove didn’t disappoint again
Pete Lamar emailed:
Hi Dale,
Things slowed down for me this week. I fished a local lake on Sunday afternoon. There was a strong north wind, which kept the mosquitoes and black flies away, but it seemed to affect fishing. Only a few bass to hand on a foam popper. I’m not sure if it was the wind, the warm water or something else entirely, but the fish were just not feeding as aggressively as only a week earlier.
. . .

BoRabb Williams messaged the photo above and this after an outing Monday:
This is what 50 Blue Catfish Fillets look like Bagged!!!!!... Today’s catch at Braidwood Dale Bowman .... with Frankie Smith of course!!!
Open daily 6 a.m.-sunset.
District fisheries biologist Seth Love would like to hear from anglers on catches at Braidwood. You can email him at seth.love@illinois.gov.

Mike Skwira messaged the photo above and this:
I caught one of these in the Cal Sag this morning...about 3 lbs....I have never seen a flathead in the river, all channel cats..
Art Frisell at Triangle Sports and Marine in Antioch said bluegill are really good shallow, in 4-8 feet, waxies or red worms on ice jigs (change colors to find color they want); catfish continue good on medium roaches, stink bait or crawlers; walleye are fair with less current than expected, leeches best; for white bass, try 4 feet down evenings over main lake basin, otherwise focus on 8-12 feet.
NOTE: Check updates on water conditions at foxwaterway.com or (847) 587-8540.
NOTE 2: Stratton Lock and Dam is open 8 a.m. to midnight through Sept. 30
Capt. Dave Duwe emailed:
Lake Delavan 7/31/23 through 8/07/23
Fishing continues to be very good. Most anglers are having great success pan-fishing.
Perch and bluegill fishing has been the most consistent bite. The best depth has been anywhere from 15-22 ft. The only real way to fish them is to anchor and fish approximately 6 inches off bottom, depending on the weed growth. The best bait is hellgrammites, leaf worms and red worms produce fish also, but the size of the fish is typically smaller. The best action has been down by the Island on the west end of the lake, the weed bed off the gray condos and Lake Lawn Lodge. A few days last week, jumbo perch were being caught in front of the Township Park, but by Saturday they weren’t around.
Crappies have been biting off the weeds in about 12-14 ft of water. I exclusively use plastics this time of year. With the warm temperatures, dealing with minnows is a hassle. I use small plastic noodles or cubby jigs. The best color has been purple, red or motor oil. The retrieve of the lure is the key to success. I find that you cannot reel them in too slow. The fish have been partial to the slow retrieve. Last week I caught several 12 inch fish. The best locations have been by the Yacht Club or Willow Point.
Northern Pike fishing has been slow. The fish are active in the 19-23 ft range. Most of the fish are being caught on lindy rigged suckers. Once the floating weeds subside, spoon plugs or the Stanley Musky Boss spinner bait with start to produced fish. The best location has been by Browns Channel or by the Gray condos. I did try the west end of the lake near the island without success. The fish have been averaging around 29 inches.
Walleyes are being caught on the weed lines in 16-21 ft of water. The best approach is either a small lead head jig tipped with ½ of a night crawlers or leech. The smaller the jig the better, so you don’t get snagged in the weeds. The best location has been by the Village Supper Club and by Browns Channel. I’ve also been fishing lindy rigs by Lake Lawn. The fish seem to be slightly deeper in the 21-23 ft. range. I’ve almost exclusively been fishing leeches in this location. Some days it is very hard to keep the northern pike off your line. They seem to like leeches as much as the walleyes do. Dusk seems to be the best time of day for walleyes.
Large mouth bass fishing has been very consistent. The best pattern seems to be dock fishing. The easiest time to fish docks is early in the morning before the heavy boat traffic begins. The best docks are around 6-8 feet of water at the ends. Almost all the fish have been caught on the shady sides of the docks. I like using night crawlers just because it’s easiest with guide parties, but jigs or spider grubs are also an effective approach. I prefer smoke colored or pumpkin seeds.
Good Luck and I hope to see you on the water. For guide parties please call Dave Duwe at 262-728-8063.
POWERTON: Summer hours—6 a.m.-8 p.m.—run through Sept. 30.
EMIQUON PRESERVE: Fishing is sunrise to sunset. Access permits and liability waivers are available Tuesday to Saturday at Dickson Mounts Museum, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
HENNEPIN-HOPPER: Site is open through Sept. 4, sunrise to 30 minutes after sunset. Check regulations at http://www.wetlands-initiative.org/dixon-paddling-fishing.
SHELBYVILLE: Check with Ken Wilson of Lithia Guide Service.
SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Check with Jason Johns of Boneyard Fishing.
Ramblin’ Ray Stevens, WLS-890, tweeted a fun video of his son catching a good smallmouth bass from the Fox River. Here is the link, but be aware of language. https://twitter.com/i/status/1685666535048654848
Dave Kranz of Dave’s Bait, Tackle and Taxidermy in Crystal Lake and with his You-Tube channel, Dave Kranz Living the wild outdoors, texted:
Catfishing on the Fox River is and should continue to be good throughout August. Stink bait, crawlers and cut bait all will work.Smallmouth bass below all the Fox River dams is fun with great numbers being caught, although many fish are only 12-15 inches. Small spinners or top waters will do the job.

Vince Oppedisano emailed the photo above and this:
Hey Dale,
Fished the Fox Kane County over the weekend after last week’s rainfall. Levels were about as high as they’ve been since early spring this year. That helped. The water was still pretty heavily stained on Sunday morning, which didn’t help....all the fish I caught over the weekend were on crankbaits.
On Saturday morning I saw a few people trying to wade, but I think it was a little too high/flowing for that in most spots. The water level did drop a little on Sunday which probably made a few more spots wadeable.
I did find some good bass in fast flowing water, but there were even more relating to the shorelines on the edges of the banks and ambushing prey. Best fish was a 20 inch smallmouth that hit the lure about a foot from shore off of a concrete bank.
If the levels keep dropping slowly, should be some good fishing out there over the next week.
Mike Cronsell at Dicky’s Bait Shop in Montgomery reported be aware of debris and weeds in the river after the rains, effort slowed with pre-school crush on.
Pete Lamar emailed:
Hi Dale,
. . .
Moving water report: The DuPage came up with the rain and is still looking pretty muddy; didn’t try to fish it. Strangely enough I didn’t even get a look at the Fox so I can’t say how high it is or how the clarity was affected by the weekend rain. I fished a couple of Fox tribs last night far downstream near the mouth. I brought the eight weight rod because with the expected high water on the Fox there’s a possibility of hooking a musky or big cat in the tributaries as they try to escape the heavy current on the river. The water had been high recently but was dropping quickly. Color was about perfect: just a light stain but enough clarity that any fly would be visible from a distance. I got into a few smallmouths. Nothing huge but they all gave good accounts of themselves, even on the eight weight. The storms that went through on Friday night must’ve hit hard because there were some downed trees both in and out of the streams. That should create some interesting holding water as the current scours out holes under the tree limbs and the fish discover them.
Capt. Dave Duwe emailed:
Lake Geneva 7/31/23 through 8/07/23
Fishing on Lake Geneva continues to be excellent. I have not seen fishing this good in recent years. I am consistently getting double digit catches of both smallmouth and largemouth bass.
Smallmouth bass are actively feeding in 21-28 ft of water off the main lake points. Look for hard bottom and scattered weeds. They are aggressively hitting nightcrawlers and small yellow perch caught in Lake Geneva. Some of the fish I caught were in excess of 20 inches. For fishing the yellow perch, I use a Abu Garcia 6500 with a clicker reel and a lindy rig with a ¾ oz walking sinker and a 1/0 hook. I want to position the bait approximately 2 ft off bottom for the best success. Look for the fish by Gage Marine and by Yerkes Observatory.
Largemouth bass fishing has been very good at Trinkes and in Williams Bay. The best location has been 18-24 ft of water. The best approach has been drop shotting small Yum Houdini worms in green pumpkin color or lindy rigging nightcrawlers. The early a.m. bite is the best so get out early for the most success. Some top water success is coming in the areas of the lake with the emergent weeds. The weeds are few and far between, there’s a nice patch by the old Military Academy and by Linn Pier. Once you find them, the bass are underneath and are accessible in shallow water.
Bluegills and Pumpkin seeds are ferociously biting right now. The best is 20-21 ft of water. They are aggressively hitting leaf worms fished on a split shot rig. Look for the fish by Elgin Club and the old Military Academy. Some of the bigger fish are coming in excess of 21 ft of water.
Northern Pike action has been very slow. Some of the bigger fish are being caught in the Fontana Beach channel. The best depth is 32-33 ft of water. You want to lindy rig medium suckers on a ¾ sinker with a 1/0 hook and a 24 inch leader.
Lake Trout fishing remains excellent. You want to position your bait 70-76 ft down in the main lake basin; anywhere between 108-110 ft of water. Nickel and blue and nickel and green are out producing everything else.
Good luck and I hope to see you on the water. For guide parties, please call Dave Duwe at 262-728-8063

Guide Mike Norris texted the photo at the very top, and emailed this report:
Fishing Report – July 30, 2023
Mike Norris
Big Green: Both large and smallmouth bass are attacking poppers during the first hour of the morning. Try the weed beds located in and nearby the Green Lake Conference Center. I am still catching bass along deep weed lines with tube jigs when the bass move deeper, but the drop shot rig with a Berkley MaxScent Flatworm has increasingly come into play. Walleyes are biting early and late in the day. Try trolling with a nightcrawler harness on a bottom bouncer along the Shale Bar and the weed edge out front of the Dodge Park boat launch. Lake trout fishing is good on spoons trolled in 150 feet of water.
Fox Lake: Right now, skipping stick baits under piers accounts for most of the bass I am catching there, but isolated patches of coontail between the piers also hold largemouth bass. Bass can also be found in and around weed patches in the Government area. Try using a bladed jig of swim jig here to cover lots of water. Don’t overlook casting a Zoom Horny Toad into and over the lily pads in The Jug. Walleyes are still active out in the main basin of the lake. Try trolling with crankbaits spread out with trolling boards.
Click here for the Wisconsin DNR weekly report.
Open 6 a.m. (6:30 bank fishing) to sunset.
Bob Johnson emailed the photo above and this:
Hi Dale - Sunday morning on the river catching towards a dozen smallmouth, 1 - 17 Walleye and 1 large freshwater drum. The river was in very good shape despite the bad weather from Friday night. River temp again in low 80’s warmest water read on graph was 83. Water is clear to slight stain in most areas. Caught a couple solid smallmouth in the morning on surface lures then switched over to finesse baits green pumpkin and also did well with crainkbaits. Walleye came on a crainkbait early morning. Catch and release on all fish.

George Peters emailed the photo above and this:
My wife says all these fish look. Alike. Not true this smallmouth has a forward width almost as wide as I have ever seen. G. Peters
Then added the photo below and this:
A really big river largemouth from the Desplains river conservation area. G. Peters

Click here for the Ohio DNR Report.

Jason “Special One” Le texted the photo above and this:
Dale my buddy caught a koi fish while fishing for carp at Montrose harbor
Stacey Greene at Park Bait at Montrose Harbor texted on Monday:
I swear if I didn’t know who the source was I would say this is the biggest crock of b******* but Joe came and said there was a king caught this morning. It wasn’t Joe it was another guy he fishes with Greg.WTF! I give up. LOL
I’ve had a couple other guys tell me they’ve seen them cruising the harbors
On Tuesday, she added her regular weekly report:
Hey Dale
Perch are non existent. Smallmouth starting to hit much better in and around the harbors, on baits like crawlers, leeches and larger minnows as well as all the artificial baits. Sheephead doing good all around hitting on a little bit of everything but soft shell and pond crayfish working best. A Steelhead here and there.
A KING caught yesterday morning. If I didn’t know the source I’d call BS all day long! I don’t think the season will start very early but I have learned over time that this lake has a mind of its own and I never know what it’s going to throw my way.
Based on the lack of perch we have changed our opening hours.Hours now are5am to 8pm 7 days a week.Have a great week!
Capt. Bob Poteshman of Confusion Charters said that out of North Point, fishing is in 50 to 200, fish on hill early, then go deeper to 100-200; some fish out in 200-300, mornings fair better with some big steelhead, big kings and chunky coho, lakers are on and off. Out of Chicago, morning trips for lakers are very good in 120-170 on the bottom with an occasional steelhead or coho higher; morning trips better.
Capt. Dan Leslie at the Salmon Stop in Waukegan said night fishing around 100=120 feet with spoons with the full moon on a variety of presentations for coho and kings with a surprising number of steelhead.
Capt. Scott Wolfe of School of Fish Charters emailed:
Hi Dale
Waukegan fishing was nothing short of fantastic this week. We still have cold water in relatively shallow with lots of bait. 80 to 130 feet was holding kings and coho with Lake trout and steelhead 100 to 130. Limit and near limit catches were taken with the biggest problem being the weather with multiple cancelled trips and a few we ran in less than ideal conditions.
This week was mostly a flasher/fly week with chrome blanks like Musselhead CornFed and NBK flashers and Jimmy Fly Aqua and Bullfrog flies on divers 150 to 190 out and downriggers 66 to the bottom. A few spoons worked on 300 and 400 coppers and downriggers with Warrior UV Blue Dolphin and Green Dolphin lakers are also hitting. The smaller XL and standard sizes produced while the magnums did not. Jimmy Fly Green Guy and Blue Guy Mo Rigs on the bottom behind smoke dodgers.
I expect the fishing will be stable this week with little change in the pattern. If there is East wind the fish might push a little deeper, but no major changes. And more and more big kings will be coming to begin staging in early August.
Capt. Scott Wolfe312-933-0552
Site is open daily 6 a.m.-sunset. As a perched lake, boating is closed when winds top or will top 14 mph. Check daily updates on boating at (815) 640-8099.
Click here for the update from D&S Bait, Tackle & Fly Shop .
Hours are 6 a.m. to sunset.
Guide Mike Mladenik of bigsmallmouthbass.com emailed:
Menominee River smallmouth bass action has been great in July. The passing fronts slowed things up on occasion but smallmouth are in the summer patter. We are fishing the grass in the morning and shallow rocks during the day.
Smallmouth are hitting a variety of presentations including; swimbaits, topwater, Case Magic Sticks and Wacky Jacks rigged wacky style with Spearpoint 1/0 GP Finesse Hooks.
Kurt Justice at Kurt’s Island Sport Shop in Minocqua emailed:
As we pass through July, finally getting some consistently summer like weather, fishing has also improved. Surface water temps are slowly moving into the mid-70’s. Typical mid-summer patterns are holding as we should have a couple weeks before the first cold mid-August nights start to change things.
Largemouth Bass: Very Good – Best overall action in cabbage flats of 8-12’ using Wacky Worms, jig/creature combos. Top-water action in the evenings as well as jerk baits over shallow weeds in the am.
Smallmouth Bass: Very Good – Ned rigs along coontail edges and drop-shotting gravel humps producing very well. Slip-bobber 1/16 oz hair jigs or large leeches over these same areas, suspend 2-3’ off bottom.
Bluegill: Very Good – Gills active through and over weed tops. Tiny tubes, 1 twisters worked across weeds to find active Gills. Continue with waxies or worms. Poppers in the shallows in the evenings.
Yellow Perch: Good – Nice Perch scattered in heavy cabbage. Jig small crawlers or medium leeches. Follow up with slip-floats in pockets of 8-12’ cabbage.
Musky: Good – Mornings and evenings casting top-water (Dr. Evils, Fat Bastards, Whopper Ploppers and Flap Tails-for a slow follow up) working. Bucktails and spinnerbaits mid-morning through afternoons until evening, top-water bite returns.
Northern Pike: Good – Cool mornings jig live chubs or suckers, follow up with chatterbaits or spinnerbaits as temps climb by mid-morning.
Crappie: Fair – Scattered and inconsistent by most reports. Work tall weeds casting 1/16 oz jigs/2 twisters or Mini Mite jigs suspended below small floats.
Walleye: Fair – Small windows of action using crawlers or leeches along outside weed lines of 12-16’ in early AM. Gravel humps of 18-26’ at night using lighted slip-floats with the largest leeches available.
Consistent temps should hold patterns for next couple weeks. Overcast days and days of Canadian smog have helped bite on certain days.
Kurt Justice
Kurt’s Island Sport Shop - Like us on Facebook
Capt. Rich Sleziak at Slez’s Bait in Lake Station texted:
Still a decent mix bag of fish for trollers fishing 90 to 130ft of water fishing 60ft to the bottom. Flashers and flys and mag spoons doing best.
Few perch being caught in 25 to 30ft of water near mt baldy and east of Michigan city around the condos
Catfish at night using triple s stinkbait. Burns ditch and deep river both giving up cats.
Christina Petrites at Stan’s Bait & Tackle Center in Hammond emailed:
Hi, Dale! It’s such nice weather we are having. So many people are anxious to get out; here’s what’s been going on with fishing in our area:
Fishing for Kings on Lake Michigan has just gotten really good, particularly due to the north wind over the weekend. Anglers are fishing from 90-160 FOW using Spin Doctors, flies, & glow spoons.
Perch fishing slowed down some, but they are still catching some while drifting, with minnows in 43-51 FOW.
The rivers came to a screeching halt with all the rain. The waters are very dirty.
Local lakes & ponds are fairly decent with Catfish & crappie catches.
Click here for the Wisconsin DNR’s report, usually on Tuesday or Wednesday.
Staff at Bookdocks said bite is better with the break in the heat, especially for bluegill and catfish.
Site summer hours—6 a.m.-10 p.m.—run through Oct. 31.
Boondocks’ bait shop is open daily, 6 a.m.-7 p.m.; restaurant hours are 11-8.
Click here for the southern Lake Michigan reports from the Wisconsin DNR.
Staff at Tackle Haven in Benton Harbor said perch action is going in 40-42 feet by the North buoy and in 40-51 by the Chalets; silver fish are in 80-140 feet.
Paddle and Pole hosts the Berrien Springs Fish Ladder Camera.

Rob Abouchar emailed the photo above and this:
Hi Dale i had a nice couple days on the Wisconsin river chasing smallmouth and still trying for a muskie on a senko. I got some nice smallmouth on a whopper plopper, bitsy bug with craw trailer, and wacky rigged senko. Best colors were black and blue and green pumpkin. The topwater bites were quite aggressive. The river level was normal and the current fliw slow. I did get a muskie but it was on a Slobberknocker bladed jig in gold with a white trailer. This time of year is challenging on the river wit lots of bait fishing pressure and pleasure boating but cool nights predicted for will start the slow transition .
. . .
Tight lines and good health
Guide Bill Stoeger in Fremont texted:
Nothing much has changed on the river. Walleye action continues to be very good. Bluegill and perch add to a tasty combo