Devi Sridhar’s beautiful piece (With my nani in Chennai I was loved just for being me. Isn’t that the essence of Christmas?, 25 December) brought tears of appreciation and hope when I read it. I look forward to the day the world works with the integrity, equality and altruism that she shows in her public life – something clearly lived through the generations in Devi’s family.
Steve Mardon
• Devi Sridhar’s pandemic updates on the news in 2020 were the only reports that made sense. In a world of diseased chaos, she was an ever-calming centre. It makes perfect sense that her nani and nana would be such shining exemplars of community and public life. Let’s hope 2024 finds space for such strength in public service.
David Lambert
• All our Christmas gifts to others were wrapped in the Guardian newspaper. Between the centrefold photos and the bright Christmas ads, we managed to avoid most of the distressing news headlines.
Jeanette Hamilton
Buxton, Derbyshire
• Daffodils are out in East Sussex too (Letters, 26 December). I also picked some garlic chives, which are flowering in our Lewes twitten. The daphnes will be out soon and the campanulas are out over flint walls. Has spring sprung?
Lynn Wiseman
Lewes, East Sussex
• WH Smith did not think to consult the Wallpaper History Society on its WHS rebrand (Report, 27 December). Perhaps it should stock our journal.
Rowena Beighton-Dykes
Wallpaper History Society
• The TV review of the festive episode of Vera (26 December) misses one key piece of detective work: how are all the trees in full leaf at Christmas?
Bill Goodall
Stone, Staffordshire
• Do you have a photograph you’d like to share with Guardian readers? If so, please click here to upload it. A selection will be published in our Readers’ best photographs galleries and in the print edition on Saturdays.