A Tamil Nadu state bus and a car had a narrow escape on Sunday after a portion of Chennai’s arterial Anna Salai road caved in and trapped them in a giant crater.
According to local reports, the bus and a Honda city car were trapped in the crater after the main thoroughfare suddenly collapsed near Church Park street around 1:30 pm.
Initial reports suggest that around 35 people were inside the bus, and several sustained minor injuries. The injured were taken to Royapettah Government Hospital for treatment. No casualties were reported.
According to one witness, the crater formed while the bus was stationery and passengers were disembarking from it. “The road caved in slowly. Perhaps, that is why people were able to escape unharmed,” he said.
Metro officials told reporters that the soil under the stretch of the road could have loosened due to tunnelling work.
According to local media reports, the Metro Rail work in the area has been temporarily suspended. Police officials have cordoned off Anna Salai.