Charlie Sheen’s daughter Sami Sheen has spent the last year growing her brand on the social platform OnlyFans. She also has a popular TikTok account, and she recently responded to a commenter who had typed out, “The ones who choose ‘content’ are the ones who have nothing else to off the world and/or [are] lazy."
The 19-year-old content worker opened up about the ‘s’ work she will and won’t do, noting that she’s not making sexually explicit films on camera, though she doesn’t “judge” those who do so. Instead, her account is geared toward work that she is comfortable with and that makes her “happy.” So, when people were giving her flack for her choice of profession, she felt the need to take to TikTok and explain her point of view.
I’ve been doing OF for almost a full year now and I love my job. There’s absolutely nothing that anyone could say to make me want to get a different job at the moment. And I don’t know why people are so judgemental towards it. If I love it and it makes me happy, and it’s boosted my confidence so much.
After Sami Sheen opened up about her gig, a slew of fans on TikTok also commented, most of whom offered support. The comments have been edited for punctuation and capitalization.
- hellotefi: “U don’t owe anyone an explanation.”
- Holly Jee: “Getting paid to do what you love and capitalizing on your youth and beauty is incredibly smart. Keep on keeping on.”
- Kelsi: “There are many kinds of s-work. Been there, [done] that. You do you. Continue being awesome.”
- Tuckersmom2: “There is absolutely nothing wrong with any of the different roles within this business… girl rock it. Do it well and collect the coins.”
Despite these comments on her latest post, Sami has taken some flack for her work in the past. The comment she called out in her TikTok video is one example, but her dad Charlie Sheen also famously said he did "not condone" Sami joining OnlyFans about a year ago. The Two and a Half Men star has since changed his tune at least somewhat and said it was important to have a "united parental front" when it came to Sheen's choice of career.
Her mother has always been supportive. In fact, Denise Richards has since joined OF herself.
Though fans proclaimed Sami didn’t have to explain herself, Ms. Sheen explained some of the benefits of working on the social platform and why she’s not looking around for any other sort of job at this point.
I can work from home. I love talking to my subscribers, I make my own hours. It just makes me happy… I could go on for hours explaining myself, but I don’t need to do that; I shouldn’t have to do that. I wanted to keep this short and clear things up.
Her words echo some of the points other celebrities have made in the past about OF work. Carmen Electra has said she loves being her "own visionary" and making her own creative choices on the site. And Tyler Posey has said the platform has given him freedom to be honest about who he is.
Plus, one would have to expect making money never hurts.