Lisa Leong went from high flying lawyer to ABC radio presenter. Monique Ross went from ABC journalist to forest bathing guide. So when it comes to reinventing careers, Lisa and Monique wrote the book — or at least a book — on it. In this edited extract from their new book This Working Life, they share what they've learnt about doing a career 180.
I've often felt like my approach to reinventing my career has been a bit haphazard, so I asked author Dorie Clark for her advice: "How do you make a big career leap?"
Her answer surprised me: "You don't."
Wait, what? You don't?
What Dorie said next made a lot of sense.
"We should reformat things so that nothing actually has to be a big leap. If you are trying to make a transition that feels enormous, and you don't have training, you don't have skills, you don't have the connections, that's stacking the deck against yourself," she explains.
We need to find ways to stack the deck in our favour. And instead of taking a big run-up and leaping over a steep-sided chasm, hoping we don't tumble down into the abyss, we need a more calculated approach.
We need to build a bridge
Where do you want to go?
To build a bridge, you first need to have some idea of where you want it to end up.
What do you want to get to on the other side?
This isn't always an easy question to answer. While some people have an incredible vision or dream that they want to chase, not everyone has that clarity. There are a lot of people who know they want a change but have absolutely no idea what they want to change to. They're stuck in a kind of purgatory, an in-between.
Often the advice around getting unstuck is to 'follow your passion'.
But that narrative can start to feel a bit oppressive if you don't know what your passion is. You can start to feel like something is wrong with you.
Let's lower those stakes right now. You don't have to start with a 'passion'. And you don't have to default to pursuing more money because you don't know where else to start.
In her book The Long Game, Dorie suggests a gentler way forward: optimising for interesting.
Think about the things you're interested in. Things you'd like to learn a bit more about. Can you let yourself follow your sense of curiosity?
But if you continue to find something interesting, that is actually a pretty good indication that it is a path worth continuing to pursue. I think that if we lower the stakes, a lot more of us could actually find things that we feel like, "Yeah, that seems cool."'
Go the half hog
Keep in mind that it isn't all or nothing. You can go the whole hog and reinvent your entire career, or you can go the half hog or quarter hog, and portion out some of your career to reinvent and some to keep as it is. There's no one right way to do it.
Dr Daniel Hu is a dentist. He also runs group fitness classes, so of course we had to know more about how he combines these two.
Becoming a dentist had been a dream for Daniel ever since his shy teenage self got braces — and a massive confidence boost along with them.
But he found university stressful and the gym became an outlet for all of the pent-up pressure. He thought about training as a group fitness instructor but a friend talked him out of it, saying: "There's a difference between liking something as a hobby and doing it as a job."
Several years into his career, however, the idea was still on his radar. He mustered the courage to take the plunge and train as an instructor. These days he does a little of column A and a little of column B – plus a little of column C, teaching and supervising dentistry students. Each slice is a valid part of his career whole; none are seen as 'side hustles'.
Daniel didn't have to leave dentistry completely behind to do a career 180. Working across different roles works beautifully for him and he adjusts the balance as needed.
"In each, I feel like I'm helping people make a small difference in their life," he says.
Building the bridge
Once you know where you want to end up, you can start building the bridge. It's important that this process isn't rushed.
Big changes often feel impossible because it feels like you have to achieve them instantly, but they're much more attainable if you approach them slowly over time.
Get started in a small way
Big changes whisper big promises into our ears: 'Don't overthink it', 'Fortune favours the brave'.
But fortune also favours the prepared. There are very good reasons to be prudent in your approach: bills to pay, mouths to feed, plans that need space to take shape, safety nets that take a while to weave.
Dorie talks about the concept of '20 per cent time': spending a fifth of your time on new ideas and projects. "If you lose 20 per cent of anything, you "waste" 20 per cent of your time or "waste" 20 per cent of your money. It will be annoying, but it's never going to destroy you," she says.
It lowers the risk, and 20 per cent is also enough to create something substantial over time.
Absorb as much as you can
As part of our 20 per cent time, we want to turn ourselves into sponges and soak up anything and everything we can in the seas of our desired new path.
The goal is to develop a clear picture of what your new career might look like – the real deal, not the romanticised version – and what it will take to succeed. Basically, you have to understand what you're signing up for.
Ask yourself a few key questions:
- Why do I want this new career? (Go deeper than just saying 'because I hate the current one'.)
- What does this new career look like in reality? What's the day-to-day like?
- How will this impact my life? In what ways will it make it better? What might be the downsides?
Over time – still with that 20 per cent figure in mind – you can make the switch from absorbing knowledge to getting experience. Ask yourself how you can test your mettle out in the real world.
- Can you volunteer somewhere?
- Can you do work experience, an internship or a secondment?
- Can you shadow someone working in the job you want?
- Can you spend time with people in your desired industry?
- Can you audit a class or course, to see what's involved in making the switch?
Take as many opportunities as you can but be sure to keep track of how you're improving. This is important so that you can know if you're heading in the right direction. So, as you experiment, remember to check in and ask yourself
- How am I going?
- What am I intrigued to learn about next?
- Who should I connect with professionally?
- Am I still loving this? Is it everything I expected?
Put yourself in the right position
The knowledge and experimentation stages are like the load-bearing supports of the bridge. Next, we can build the structure. The aim is to make the transition as smooth as possible when the time comes. Ask yourself:
- What skills will I need for this new career?
- What transferable skills can I bring across with me?
- What new skills do I need to obtain?
Putting yourself in the right position might involve doing a short online course or an industry certification, or embarking on a process of extensive retraining. You might get a CV expert to help highlight your transferable skills on your résumé, or do some interviewing coaching so you know how to position yourself in your new industry.
It's not always going to be possible to straddle both sides at once. If you need to go back to uni, for example, you're probably not going to carry on in your current role unchanged, but perhaps there could be a way to keep a toe in the water.
Be patient
It's important to give any career transition the time it needs to flourish. Dorie is a mega fan of long-term planning, as the name of her book suggests. She says if you give something enough time and are willing to endure the ups and downs along the way, you can achieve almost anything. It just requires patience.
She shares a story taken from Jeff Bezos in his 2018 Amazon shareholder letter.
"A friend of his hired a handstand coach, and the handstand coach revealed that most people who want to do handstands think that about two weeks of consistent practice will get them there. The truth is, it is six months of daily practice," says Dorie.
"That is literally a twelve-times differential. Imagine if you entered college, and you're like, 'Oh yeah, I'm gonna rock it, I'm gonna get my degree' and then partway through, it's like, 'It's going to take forty-eight years'."
So what Dorie calls 'a long time horizon' is critical: we can't expect a long-term change in a short-term time frame.
Stroll across that bridge
Once you've worked through this process of starting small, absorbing and experimenting, and patiently putting yourself in the right position, you will look up and see that the bridge is there. Waiting for you. The change is still nerv-citing, of course, but there's no huge leap required.
When you are ready, you can step out onto the bridge you have built.
This is an edited extract from This Working Life by Lisa Leong and Monique Ross (Hardie Grant).
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