CHANDIGARH: The Chandigarh Lalit Kala Akademi has announced scholarships 2022-23, a visit to the art museums of London, in one of its constant efforts to give young and upcoming artists wings to fly.
The scholarships are open to artists in the age group of 20 to 30 years, residing, studying, and working in Chandigarh, Panchkula, and Mohali. The scholarships are available in the disciplines of drawing, graphics, printmaking, installation, multimedia, painting, photography, and sculpture.
Proposed date of the tour to London and its iconic museums has been planned for the last week of August/ September 2022. Chandigarh Lalit Kala Akademi had earlier facilitated trips to given to museums and art galleries in Rome, Paris as well as Venice Biennale.
The premise of the scholarship is to give young artists a chance to step outside the confines of their city and travel to various museums, art exhibitions, and fairs, in the country and abroad. The scholarships aim to help artists view, explore, and understand the varied work being done in the field of art, interact with artists from various states and practice different art forms and also acquire more knowledge and skills in their area of practice. “The idea is to provide artists a platform and space to create and express their ideas, in this case, travel and learn. The Akademi is very happy to support the cause of art, give artists the freedom to work and not be confined or restricted in any way,” said Bheem Malhotra, chairperson of the Akademi.
The last date of applying for the visit museum scholarship is June 8, till 4pm at the CLKA office.