A serial criminal allegedly stole a woman's car keys at gunpoint after he and an accomplice had revved a chainsaw at her in broad daylight near a Canberra school.
Guy Pearson Roberts, 42, was denied release in the Galambany Bail Court on Friday, when he claimed police were blaming him simply because he lived in the same area.
Police documents, tendered in court, say the alleged victim spotted Mr Roberts and another man with the chainsaw as she walked towards her Mercedes in Phillip on December 12.
As she started the car's engine, Mr Roberts allegedly approached the vehicle, opened the driver's door and pointed a black pistol at the woman.
"Get the f--- out of the car or I'll shoot you," investigators claim he told the woman.
The woman handed over the car keys to Mr Roberts, according to police, who say the 42-year-old ended up fleeing in a different vehicle after failing to get the Mercedes into gear.
After seeing the man alleged to be Mr Roberts leaving, still in possession of her keys, the woman is said to have run towards the nearby Canberra College and called police.
Mr Roberts was arrested the following day on unrelated charges, in respect of which he has subsequently been refused bail twice.
He applied for conditional release a third time on Friday, when Chief Magistrate Lorraine Walker read to him fresh charges of aggravated robbery and using a prohibited firearm.
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These allegations, which related to the December 12 incident, joined 18 existing charges.
Mr Roberts, who has pleaded not guilty to all charges, represented himself in court.
He described the case against him in relation to the earlier charges as "very weak", and claimed police were trying to pin the carjacking on him because he lived in Lyons.
Mr Roberts added that police were "disrespecting the Queen" by accusing him of being responsible for that incident.
He told Ms Walker he had "no reason to run away", and said he would be happy to provide a surety of up to $20,000 to secure bail.
The 42-year-old, whose criminal history was described as "extensive", also described feeling institutionalised and expressed a desire to attend trauma counselling and rehabilitation.
Prosecutor Lauren Knobel opposed bail on grounds Mr Roberts was likely to reoffend, endanger others, interfere with witnesses or evidence, and fail to reappear in court.
She said the 42-year-old's earlier charges related to "a string of burglaries" committed over a two-month period, with Mr Roberts having allegedly targeted some places twice.
Ms Knobel cited the aggravated robbery allegation as she argued Mr Roberts being freed would put members of the public at risk.
The prosecution case on that charge was strong, she said, telling the court police had found a black pistol at Mr Roberts' home.
The prosecutor also said the 42-year-old had "a propensity for violence" that had continued since he had been remanded in custody.
Mr Roberts replied that he "just about opposed everything she said because she's judging me on my past".
"She ain't trialling me on these new charges where she don't have no evidence," he said.
Ms Walker ultimately refused bail, telling Mr Roberts she was concerned about the danger he might pose to people in the community if he was released from custody.
The magistrate said the 42-year-old had a "concerning" criminal record and it was not hard to form a view he was likely to reoffend, also noting his history contained convictions for witness intimidation.
Mr Roberts is due back in court on March 18.