Expressions of interest have opened for 14 Medicare Urgent Care Clinics in NSW, including one in the Hunter.
The 14 Medicare clinics will provide bulk billed treatment for urgent but non-life-threatening emergencies. They will be open extended hours, seven days a week.
One of the clinics will be established in Cessnock, as announced by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese during a visit to the Hunter Valley in the 2022 federal election campaign.
Non-life-threatening emergencies make up just over 50 per cent of the total presentations to hospitals in NSW.
The clinics are aimed at helping patients get timely healthcare while easing pressure on NSW hospitals.
"This will help to take the pressure off our local Hospitals at Cessnock, Kurri Kurri, Maitland, Singleton, and John Hunter," Hunter Mp Dan Repacholi said.
Medicare UCCs will be established in Albury, Batemans Bay, Blacktown, Campbelltown, Cessnock, Coffs Harbour, Gosford, Lismore, Penrith, Randwick, Tamworth, Westmead, Wollongong and Wyong
The expression of interest process will be run by the relevant NSW Primary Health Networks, with submissions closing on April 12.
It is open to existing general practices, community health centres and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services.
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